The Law of Food Raising - 70

Chapter 70 - Comprehensive counterattack

When the three returned to the manor, the group of people were still searching relentlessly, and several people had gone crazy and started killing each other.

"Duoduo, you take Feita back first." Samus stood still on the spot, his sleeves moved slightly, and he was full of momentum.

Duoduo nodded, and with a slight movement of her body, she disappeared into the woods, and Feita followed closely.

He is the essence of the World Tree, and the location of the Thousand Miles Tree is like a beacon. He does not need Duoduo to lead the way, and he can accurately find its location. The closer he gets, the stronger the familiar scent becomes. Thousand Miles Tree, they merged again.

Feita looked at the Thousand Miles Tree, who was only five meters tall. Although it was young, it was full of vitality.

Duoduo squatted beside the tree and looked at Feita curiously, feeling that the aura on his body became a little different. At this time, a little rabbit jumped out from Duoduo's feet, staring at Feita with its round eyes for a moment, and then the second, third... but after a while, all twelve of them were all there. They were all piled up around Duoduo, and the scene was quite spectacular.

A smile flashed in Feita's eyes, fused with the Thousand Miles Tree's memory. He knew that these little rabbits were the children of Samus and Duoduo. In that life, Isadore never got married or had children for the sake of his career; in this life, he met an elf with amazing fecundity, which made up for the regret of his previous life.

A touch of envy arose in Feita's heart. When he decided to become a tree spirit, he was destined not to have human love. Once he, who is in charge of the laws of nature, has rich emotions, he will lose his impartial heart to balance all things. Even though he is now a mortal, his spirit is immortal. This is the vitality given by nature, so he must respond to nature with his own life.

Feita closed his eyes, his body glowed brightly, echoing the Thousand Miles Tree.

But after a while, Duoduo was surprised to see the branches stretching thousands of miles apart, like a curled-up child suddenly stretching out, revealing its appearance and blooming with beautiful brilliance. Immediately, a green leaf grew on one of the bare branches. The leaves were crystal clear, looking down at the earth proudly.

Duoduo and the little rabbits bathed in this pure natural breath, with expressions of joy and satisfaction on their faces, and the spiritual energy in their bodies also flowed. The plants in the entire manor were affected, swaying their branches and leaves, conveying joy. 

In Duoduo's perception, the Thousand Miles Tree unique root system continues to extend to the surroundings, connecting with other plants to form a huge network, crisscrossing and stretching for thousands of miles. All network devices within this range are connected and all information within the permission can be queried.

She realized that this was what everyone called the "network planting" system. All natural plants are covered by the Thousand Miles Tree. Memory recovery, knowledge sharing, supernatural induction, information transmission, image recording, defense and attack, space transformation... Feita took back the domain rights of the Thousand Miles Tree in the Royal City and became a new world center.

From now on, everything in the Royal City will be under his control.

If it weren't for the large-scale mutation of plants, and natural plants only existed in Kavos and the Rabbit Palace, Feita could expel or imprison the Jintilas almost immediately. Even if his ability is limited now, he can still ban the Jintilas' access.

But he did not act immediately, because as long as they carried their Yeka, he could easily grasp their location and even teleport them to any place that the net could reach.

"Thank you, Duoduo." Feita looked at Duoduo with a smile.

Um? Thank you for what? Duoduo looked puzzled.

"Thank you for cultivating so many natural plants." Feita said, "Without them, I would not be able to awaken at all. Even if I am lucky enough to awaken, I will not be able to obtain domain rights."

Surrounded by mutated plants, an immature Thousand Miles Tree is not enough to resist the erosion of turbid air. What's more, there is a mutated Thousand Miles Tree in the forest, which is Feita's biggest enemy at the moment. However, that unique spiritual intelligence has not yet taken shape, so it will not pose much of a threat to him for the time being.

With the reproduction of natural plants, he will become more and more powerful. After ten years, he will definitely be able to grow into a real World Tree.

And all of this requires the help of Duoduo's power.

At this time, Samus came to the two of them, looked at the new Thousand Miles Tree, and said to Feita: "Congratulations."

Feita smiled, then spread his palm and handed him a leaf card, "This is the first leaf from the Thousand Miles Tree. Take it, it will help you find the position of all the leaf cards holder in the planting network. 

Samus' eyes stayed on Duoduo for a moment, then he took the Yeka and nodded cautiously. The first leaf of the Thousand Miles Tree is given the initial license rights. The kings of this world either obtained them themselves or plundered by force, and secondly, they are personally selected by the World Tree. But after the World Tree fell into slumber, the permissions of the World Tree were equally divided among the Thousand Miles Trees, and they no longer had the ability to choose the king.

The significance of Feita giving this leaf, which represents the power to access a lot of information, to Samus is self-evident.

Samus once had great ambitions, and regaining the royal power from the Jintilas was his goal. But now, power is no longer important to him. All he really cares about is Duoduo and his children.

However, he still accepted it because he wanted to give Duoduo and the children a stable living environment and eliminate all dangerous factors. As long as the Jintilas and the new nobles exist, the fighting will never stop. For this reason, he is willing to regain the power of the king and give the people he loves a complete world.

"Duoduo, I have to leave for a while." Samus knelt on one knee in front of Duoduo, hugged her gently, greedily absorbed the warmth from her body, and whispered in her ear: "Wait for me."

Duoduo nodded, kissed Samus on the face, and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you to come back."

Samus' eyes were gentle, and then he looked at his little rabbits: "Be obedient, and I will take you flying when I come back."

Twelve pairs of eyes looked at Samus, indicating that they would be obedient.

After Samus left, Duoduo's life didn't change much, except that she would feel a little lonely in the dead of night, so she often went to sleep with the little rabbits, occupying their beds unceremoniously, and bullying them because they were young and unable to resist. 

The virus is still spreading, but with Feita's help, the growth rate of the medicinal herbs has accelerated, and the level has also improved.

Although riots occurred from time to time, under the intimidation of Samus and Feita, Della and others gradually took control of the situation and gained more and more support.

The news that Isadore and Faith had appeared quickly spread throughout various territories, causing a great sensation all over the world. There were still people who were doubtful at first, but as the network in the Royal City was paralyzed and the new nobles were assassinated one by one, no one questioned the authenticity of the news.

The plants in the Royal City have never been paralyzed for so many years. The various territories did not dare to resist under the Jintila's high-pressure rule because they were afraid of the power of the planting network. Under its coverage, the Jintilas, who has a lot of access, is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

【In the name of Isadore, I officially ban the Jintilas access to the planting network. 】This declaration was placed in the most eye-catching position on the network, and it spread quickly on the network, sweeping the world like a tornado.

All the resistance forces took up arms overnight and started a global uprising.

The Royal City fell into a huge panic, and an unprecedented disaster suddenly befell them. They relied heavily on the planting network and lost their greatest support in an instant, running around like bereaved dogs.

Although their magical abilities are powerful and their average level is far higher than that of the warriors in each territory, most of them are pampered. Their timidity is only revealed in the real bloody battle.

The morale of the resistance army is as high as a rainbow. Just thinking that the person leading them is the inheritor of the divine knowledge makes their blood boil.

Samus lived up to his reputation by killing a man at ten paces and leaving no trace of him for thousands of miles, passing five hurdles and killing six generals along the way, with no one being able to stop him.

Although Samus was very powerful before, his strength at that time was still within the acceptable range of everyone. Now it has become a completely unattainable legendary level, which also made them realize again the gap between the strong men thousands of years ago and now. How big, and this may not be Isadore's 100% awakening state.

As the fighting became more and more intense, the Royal City's attacks on the manor also became crazy. The people who participated in the attack were all soldiers trained by the Jintilas. They were ruthless and showed no mercy. However, their mental attacks were ineffective against Duoduo, and they were unable to escape Feita's planting network. The supernatural plants assist defense and attack, coupled with the support of Kavos' experts, the manor is like an iron wall that cannot be broken through.

"Miss Duoduo, Lord Feita." A soldier reported, "The enemy is three hundred miles away and is preparing to launch a remote attack on us."

The use of large-scale remote attack weapons requires a large amount of spiritual energy. In this era of lack of spiritual energy, long-range weapons are a desperate means of attack. If you are in the Royal City, the Thousand Miles Tree can provide psychic energy, and psychic weapons can be used at will. However, in the wild, using it once or twice is the limit, and it cannot be accurately positioned. It may also trigger large-scale plant riots and even cause a global turmoil. 

Feita raised his head suddenly: "It's coming. It will land one thousand meters southeast of the manor in six seconds."

The expressions of the soldiers suddenly changed. Two thousand meters was not a safe distance.

​However, it is within the coverage of the planting network.

The Thousands Miles Tree activates defense and activates all supernatural plants to release their energy to the maximum extent.

3, 2, 1... There was a loud bang, and the whole earth shook. The hot wind caused by the explosion caused large plants to tilt in all directions.

Fires shot into the sky, smoke filled the air, large swathes of plants were blown up, and a huge crater formed in the center of the explosion. There was a faint roar in the distance, and mutated plants began to surge one after another. The branches and vines grew rapidly, rolling towards the manor like huge waves.

"Duoduo, come to me." Feita shouted to Duoduo in the distance.

Near the Thousand Miles Tree, he can ensure the safety of Duoduo and the little rabbits. The manor can be rebuilt after it is destroyed, as long as the people are fine, and this is probably the Jintilas last counterattack. Victory is imminent and the killing will cease.

Duoduo counted her little rabbits and found that three were missing! Dongdong, Beibei and Zhongzhong are missing!

She turned pale with fright and quickly looked at Feita, who said without her asking, "It doesn't matter, I can bring them back."

Unexpectedly, after activating the space power, he received a response that refused to transmit. The little rabbits didn't wear leaf cards, so Feita could only open the transmission channel for them, but couldn't teleport them directly. If they are unwilling to enter the transmission channel, there is nothing Feita can do.

Feita told Duoduo the situation, and Duoduo asked angrily: "Where are those guys now?"

"One thousand meters to the southeast." Feita was also a little worried, "The rioting plants are only 800 meters away from them."

Duoduo no longer hesitated, threw the other little rabbits to Feita, ordered them fiercely to stay where they were, and then flew to the location pointed by Feita.

One thousand meters is not a far distance, but the mutant plants are now spreading at fast speed. When Duoduo arrives, they just see the mutant plants rushing towards them with their claws and teeth. Although the supernatural defenses are constantly resisting their invasion, in such a large number under such a huge attack, the power of defense is stretched thin.

Duoduo flew in front of the three little rabbits, quickly activated the Book of Spiritual Wood, concentrated her spiritual energy, and resisted the giant vines flying crazily in front of her.

Although she has abundant spiritual energy now, the scale of this plant riot is also extraordinary. The rich turbidity makes her breathing uncomfortable and she feels stressed.

Duoduo couldn't help but curse in her heart: When she goes back, she must teach these three disobedient little guys a lesson!

Just when Duoduo was beginning to feel exhausted, a strange force surged from behind. Three snake-like energy beams flew from both sides and above Duoduo, rushing into the rioting flora. Then, as if being beaten, the attack speed rapidly decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye, and continues to spread backwards. Immediately, two more waves of energy shot out from behind, completely stagnating these plants, as if they were petrified.

Duoduo looked at this scene in amazement, turned around suddenly, and saw five little rabbits lined up in a row. Their small bodies were wrapped in black light, with only a pair of blood-red eyes exposed. They looked particularly strange.

The energy in them is different from both spiritual energy and turbid energy. Suddenly, an idea flashed and I thought of something - demonic energy!

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Big Sister: Sooooo sorry for the late update. Work is kicking my ass 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。


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