The Veterinarian (1v1) (H) - 1

Chapter 1 - Is she mute?

"Brother An, that person is here again."

Hearing this, Shen An raised his head and glanced in the direction of the door. Under the bright sun, there stood a person who was wrapped up tightly. The person was wearing black sweatshirt and trousers. Judging from height and stance, the individual should be a girl.


There was a beanie on her head and a pure all-black mask on her face. Because her head is lowered, Shen An couldn't see her profile clearly. She could only see the cat carrier in her arms, with a small white cat inside.


She lingered twice at the door pretending to be passing by, but never came in.


The same as yesterday.


Shen An looked at the time, twelve eleven.


He packed the finished takeout box and held it in his hand, took out a cigarette from the table and bit it in his mouth, then opened the door and went out.


As soon as he came out, the girl in black turned around and walked in the opposite direction.


He threw the garbage in his hand into the trash can, took out the lighter, and lit the cigarette.


At the end of August, the weather was very hot. The suffocating heat wave washed over his face, and the oxygen in the air was extremely thin. After two puffs, he put out the cigarette and shouted to the girl who had already reached the intersection, "Wait a minute."


The girl seemed to be frightened and stopped there.


He took a few steps forward and turned his head to glance at the cat carrier in her arms. Through the glass cover, he could see that it was a small domestic white cat. It was a little shy. When it saw him looking over, it hid deeper inside.


"Is the cat sick?"


When he asked, his eyes fell on the cat. After waiting and getting no answer for a long time, he looked at the girl in front of him. She took a few steps back unconsciously, stood upright stiffly, and nodded after a while.


Mute? He thought.


He looked at her face suspiciously, and then realized that she was wearing sunglasses on top of the mask, making it impossible to see her face.


"You don't have money to get the cat checked?" he asked again.


She seemed very nervous, her hands holding the cat carrier tightened, and she shook her head twice.


Shen An turned around and walked towards the clinic, "Come in and register at the front desk."


She seemed to be hesitating, waiting for Shen An to enter the door, then she made up her mind and took one step, walked more than ten steps to the door, and carefully opened the door and came in.


The girl at the front desk, Tan Yuanyuan, looked at the girl in black nervously and shouted to Shen An in fear, "Brother An..."


She was a little afraid of this girl dressed in black. She had been secretly speculating since yesterday whether she was some kind of terrorist. Otherwise, why would she have been pretending to pass by the door and not come in? Moreover, who would wrap themselves up like this in the summer without even having a pair of eyes exposed?


Shen An ignored her and went straight into the inner room to wash his hands.


When he came out, he had already put on a white coat, and there was no smell of cigarette smoke on his body. Only an occasional tattoo was exposed on his stretched out arm.


The girl had already registered. Tan Yuanyuan was typing on the computer. When she saw him coming over, she handed the registration form to him, "Brother An, the registration is ready."


He was the first to notice the name on the registration form.


Two very delicate words: Bai Li (Bai means white and Li means pear.)


He raised his eyebrows, said nothing, took the medical gloves and walked to the consulting room inside. Only a faint voice came over, "Bring the cat here."


The cat is extremely thin, with oval moss spots on its limbs and tail, and is also covered with gray scales.


It's a common cat moss*.


Cat moss is actually a relatively common fungal skin disease in cats. It is more common in malnourished and sickly cats. Multiple areas include round or oval ringworm spots on the face, torso, limbs, and tail, covered with gray scales, and the hair color will become rough.


"Cats have severe stress reactions. Generally, for skin diseases like this, you can apply some medicine at home." He gave the cat an injection, applied medicine, took off the medical gloves and washed his hands.


Throughout the whole process, she didn’t say a word, and she didn’t take off her mask or hat, including her sunglasses.


Shen An looked back at her.


The animal clinic he runs is popular on this street. One reason is that his grandfather is a well-known veterinarian. Although the clinic he opened at that time was relatively small, its name was widely known.


The second is because of his appearance.


Since he opened an animal clinic, he has received almost all female clients, who come to see him under the guise of treating their pets.


In the comment area of ​​the animal clinic's website, 80% were praising Shen An's appearance, and the remaining 20% ​​were disguised confessions.


He has seen all kinds of girls, but he has never seen someone like her.


She stood there quietly. Keeping a long distance from him, holding the cat in her arms and wringing her hands nervously. She was standing like a student who was punished by the teacher, with her head hanging slightly and looking at the ground cautiously and uneasily.


He was able to determine that she was a girl at first because the hand she held the cat carrier was very small and white. The black surrounding her made it look like a piece of fine jade, glowing in the sunlight.


After Shen An came out, he took the medicine and put it on the front desk. He provided her instructions how to apply the medicine. She nodded and then took out her mobile phone to pay.


Her hands were small, with slender knuckles and round, neatly manicured nails.


Shen An isn’t sure if she noticed his gaze, but she covered her fingers. After paying, she hugged her cat carrier and hid her hands.


Tan Yuanyuan waited for her to finish paying, then gave her a smile and said, "Be careful and walk slowly. If your cat has any problems in the future, you can come to our clinic again."


The girl said nothing, nodded with her head lowered, and walked out slowly with the cat in her arms.


"Brother An, is she mute?" Tan Yuanyuan asked in a low voice after the girl left.


Shen An was looking down at the time on the appointment form, and responded casually, "I don't know."

 Table of Contents < > Chapter 2


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