The Law of Food Raising - 71

Chapter 71 - Pass

Duoduo couldn't believe it. How could she give birth to children with demonic energy? Her spiritual energy and demonic energy are opposites, and she should be aware of it in the early stages of pregnancy. Even she herself will be in danger, let alone a smooth delivery.

At this time, the stagnant plants behind them began to move again. The abilities of the five little rabbits are still not strong enough and can only last for a short time.

Just as Duoduo was about to transfer them, there was a burst of energy fluctuations in the air, and then a tall figure appeared in front of Duoduo.

"Samus!" Duoduo was overjoyed.

Samus received Feita's message. He first gave Duoduo a reassuring look, then took a step forward, raised his arms, and swept the huge energy towards the rioting plants. The energy of the five little rabbits all converged into the torrent like a small river. Under the guidance of Samus, it merged into the roots of the mutated plants, controlled their veins, suppressed them with powerful power, and made them surrender.

The rioting plants began to entangle and wander around each other. Another energy deep in the forest is constantly driving them, colliding with Samus' consciousness.

In the end, Samus gained the upper hand, the energy retreated unwillingly, and the mutated plants stopped rioting.

Isadore is the bloodline of the demon Chaer, and inherited the demonic energy that suppresses mutated plants. Before awakening, Samus could only fight against it, but now he has control, enough to compete with the mutated Thousand Miles Tree in the depths of the forest.

When the crisis was over, the five little rabbits pulled on Samus' clothes, happily jumped on his shoulders, and rubbed against each other affectionately.

Duoduo was secretly jealous: Huh, you are so heartless. Demonic energy is amazing, but is it comparable to spiritual energy that can grow food? I will never love you again.

As if aware of his mother's displeasure, Dongdong quietly scratched Samus' ears with his paws.

Samus didn't need the little rabbit to remind him. He walked to Duoduo automatically, hugged her, kissed her, and asked softly: "Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay." Duoduo glared at the five little rabbits and threatened them fiercely, "I'll deal with you when we get back."

It's a pity that her face looks like a dumpling, and the threat has no deterrent effect at all. With a gentle poke from Samus, the bulging face deflated.

The five little rabbits squatted on Samus' shoulders one by one, looking down at their mother from high altitude.

Samus took out the Yeka, and after the energy was activated, they were teleported back to the manor.

"How are things going?" Feita asked.

"Jintilas' power has basically been disintegrated. Except for a few important figures, there is nothing else to worry about."

"Then you plan to enter the Royal City?"

"No." Samus looked at Duoduo, who was teaching the little rabbit not far away, with soft eyes. "This is my home. Let the Royal City be given to the Oya family."

Feita chuckled and said nothing. With Samus' current status and prestige, even if the Oya family regains control of the kingship, it is impossible to become the true master of the planet. Perhaps, this world is about to usher in an era of rule by the twin kings of light and darkness.

"In this case, I would like to trouble you to upgrade the technology of the manor as soon as possible. A planting network requires supporting equipment."

"There's no rush." ​​Samus said calmly, "The manor is fine now. Technology products may disturb the tranquility here. I have to think about it."

Is this the rhythm of using it and then throwing it away?

Feita smiled extremely gently and said: "In exchange, I can give you my collection."

"What collection?" Samus asked without interest.

"Duoduo's life photo album."

Samus' sharp eyes quickly glanced over: "What?"

Feita snapped his fingers, and the light year tree not far away shimmered slightly. Colorful pictures immediately appeared in the sky, including Duoduo biting petals, sleeping under the tree, and secretly digging holes to hide wine. Doing gymnastics with the little rabbits, harassing the sleeping little rabbits with grass, jumping up and down with the little rabbits... Duoduo in every picture is so vivid, so cute.

"How is it?" Feita raised his hand casually, and the image in the sky disappeared immediately.

Samus said coldly: "Awakened the power of Faith just to facilitate the secret filming of other people's private lives?"

Feita shrugged: "No way, one of my responsibilities is to record history, no matter how big or small, no matter how detailed it is."

"You can choose to delete it."

"Oh?" Feita smiled half-heartedly, "You really want me to delete it?"

Samus fell silent, but after a while, he said: "In three months, the manor's technology will be fully upgraded." After saying that, he walked away with a black air.

"Thanks, brother." Feita replied with a smile.

Three months later, Samus fulfilled his promise and completely upgraded the manor's technology, equipped with a central intelligence brain, defense system, communication equipment and various technological instruments. Most of the people in the manor have a mobile phone and can access the network at any time.

Feita integrates the properties of supernatural plants previously developed in Kavos into entertainment, running it in the form of a game, allowing players to test and create it.

As the manor's planting network was connected, Kavos also joined. Della began to actively establish alliances with various territories, and with Samus' permission, sold the seeds of natural plants to expand the planting scale of natural plants and the coverage area of ​​the planting network.

As one of the most loyal allies, Lord Xiu Yi of Beitu obtained one of the highest permissions and became the third natural base and technology center after Rabbit Palace and Kavos.

Unlike the rapid development of Kavos and other places, the Royal City fell into complete chaos. The old nobles headed by the Oya family came forward to control the situation and stabilize order. Bronn, who had previously caused a stir in Kavos, was found to have traces of being controlled, and was completely disqualified from competing with Della.

Bai Dong, who went out to look for a memory teacher, successfully fulfilled his wish. He arranged for his sister, who had recovered her health and reshaped her memory, to live in the farmhouse and start a life of breeding and farming. He himself joined Samus' manor and concentrated on developing technological equipment.

After that, Wei Chen, Guze, Rosen and others entered the manor one after another and continued to work for Samus.

Everything is developing in a good direction, and life in the manor is getting better and better.

"Is there no news about Goro and the others yet?" Samus asked.

Feita shook his head: "They should be hiding in the mutated forest. That is an area that I cannot monitor."

"With Goro's crazy character, he will never give up. We cannot let down our guard."

"Don't worry, he can't threaten us within the confines of the planting network."

Samus nodded.

"Dongdong, Beibei!" Duoduo roughly picked up the ears of the two little rabbits and said angrily, "How many times have I told you not to sneak out!"

Since the five little rabbits discovered their abilities, they like to run into the mutated forest every now and then, and occasionally kidnap other rabbits. Duoduo lectured them several times to no avail. As their minds became more and more mature, they became more and more difficult to control.

The little rabbits lowered their head, looking like they were being taught, but secretly exchanged sly looks.

"You are nothing like me, you have all been led bad by your father." Duoduo complained as she carried them back.

Samus in the distance suddenly sneezed.

As Duoduo was walking, she suddenly felt something was wrong. When she lowered her head, she found that the two little rabbits had turned into humans at some point. Only their ears still looked like rabbits, and they became red because they were being carried by Duoduo.

Duoduo quickly put them down.

The two little guys hugged Duoduo's legs, looking up and showing an adorable smile.

"Hmph, don't think that I will forgive you." Duoduo picked them up and ordered, "Don't put your bunny ears away yet!"

Dongdong and Beibei immediately retracted their ears hanging on both sides.

Although the twelve little rabbits can basically transform, the situation is slightly different. Some of them could not completely transform, leaving either rabbit ears or rabbit tails exposed. Some only needed a little more time to complete the transformation, but some could only maintain an incomplete transformation state.

Duoduo was a little worried. There are no fairies in this world. What if the rabbits' secret is discovered?

After Samus knew her worries, he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, what if we are discovered? With me and Feita protecting us, who dares to hurt them?"

It's not that Duoduo is worried about this, but she doesn't want humans to look at her children the same way they look at alien species, which may also hinder the little rabbits from choosing a mate in the future.

"Okay, then we won't let others find out." Samus comforted, "From now on, we will teach the little rabbit how to protect himself. Unless they are a particularly trustworthy person, our children must not reveal their identity easily."

Duoduo nodded heavily: "That's right."

"So Duoduo, should you care about me now?" Samus said aggrievedly, "We haven't been intimate for a long time."

"Oh, come on then." Duoduo simply took off her clothes, straddled Samus' lap, and said boldly, "Let's have sex!"

"..." Are you possessed by some strange creature? Duoduo has been hanging around the network a lot lately, maybe she has seen some things that she shouldn’t have seen?

Samus was thinking wildly in his mind, but he pounced on the white and tender rabbit without any pause...

The next day, Samus woke up refreshed. After having dinner with Duoduo and the children, he went to find other people to discuss further development plans.

The business talks went smoothly. At the end of the meeting, someone suddenly said, "Sir, are you ready to get married?"


"There are now widespread rumors on the network that you are about to get married." The man said enthusiastically, "Lord Isadore has never married. Many people do not want you to remain single, so they have launched a marriage call order online and invited all marriageable girls to participate in the selection. As long as you like them, you can marry as many as you want."

Seeing that everyone looked supportive, Samus was speechless. But this also reminded him that it was time to hold a grand wedding for Duoduo. She never left him when he had nothin, gave him hope, and gave him children, but he didn't even give her an identity.

"You're right, it's time for me to get married."

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