The Law of Food Raising - 69

Chapter 69 - Identity Two

In fact, Samus does not want to get involved in the disputes within the Oya family. If they need help, he is willing to provide corresponding help within his ability. However, the representatives sent by the Oya family this time really failed to succeed. For his own benefit, he did not hesitate to harm the interests of the entire Oya family, tearing Kavos' originally strong foundation into pieces.

"Samus, the family has given you so much. As long as you still have a little conscience, you should know how to repay the kindness." Bronn raised his chin and said, "Leave Duoduo behind and leave Kavos. Never take another step here."

"Bronn!" Della and others glared at him angrily.

Samus was not angry. He used to be like a ball of flames, majestic and domineering, but now he is less aggressive and more calm.

"Bronn, you are not qualified to drive me away." Samus said calmly, "What I want to do has nothing to do with you."

"As long as it has something to do with Kavos, it has to do with me!" Bronn sneered, "I am the new lord appointed by my family. I am not qualified? Do you, a person of unknown origin, have the qualifications?"

"He is indeed qualified." At this time, a clear voice intervened among them.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a young man stepping out of the crowd and standing next to Samus and Duoduo.

"Feita, you are from Cangji. It's better for you to stay out of the affairs of Kavos." Bronn looked at him with a gloomy expression.

"What I have to deal with is not Kavos' affairs, I'm just here to prove Samus' identity." Feita looked at Samus, "You must have remembered it, right?"

Samus was silent.

Feita's smiling eyes showed a composure that belied his age. Everyone faintly felt a strange natural aura from him, which was very similar to Duoduo.

Duoduo's eyes brightened slightly, staring at Feita curiously.

"Samus' identity?" Bronn was startled, "Have you found out his identity?"

Everyone else looked at Feita, waiting for his answer.

"He was born into a homeless family, and was later adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Novi of the Oya family. He was given the Oya surname."

Bronn laughed loudly: "Born into a homeless family, what does this prove? Proves that he is indeed a person without identity?"

"No identity? No, on the contrary." Feita's expression remained unchanged as he continued: "As soon as he was born, the Thousand Miles Tree took the initiative to include him in the top-secret files of the planting network. Even the new royal family has no right to access it."

Bronn's laughter stopped suddenly, and the others were also stunned.

"This is impossible!" Bronn retorted, "The Thousand Miles Tree would never take the initiative to store human files."

"Of course it's impossible for others, except Samus."

"Why?" Bronn mocked, "Does he have the blood of a god?"

"Of course he does not have the blood of a god, but," Feita looked at Samus again, "he is the child of the sage Qianli and the demon Chaer, and is known by later generations as the heir of the Devine Knowledge."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar, and their first reaction was that it was impossible.

The sage Qianli is the founder of the spirit pattern, and the devil Chaer is the pinnacle powerhouse who controls the dark world. The two created a bipolar power system with spiritual plants and turbid energy as the core, which greatly promoted the evolution of human beings and planted the network. The construction also started from that era.

Qianli and Chaer stand at the extreme of light and darkness, possessing completely opposite powers. The combination of the two is a miracle in itself.

They have only one child, Isadore. After the two disappeared, Isadore, who was only twenty years old at the time, shouldered the heavy responsibility alone. He spent five years unifying the north and the south, and established the world's largest city of Noach, which is now the royal city.

After that, a glorious reign of nearly 150 years began. This was a leading era of rapid technological development and a golden age for the awakening of superpowers. Compared to Qianli and Chaer who exist as legends, Isadore's deeds are more widely known.

When Isadore was about to die, he left a prophecy that hundreds of years later, darkness would come again and mankind would enter the second century of filth.

The prophecy frightened everyone. Qianli and Chaer disappeared, Isadore also passed away, and the originally stable power structure began to turmoil.

Although they took many measures, three hundred years later, Isadore's prophecy came true. Plants around the world have mutated, their aura has been greatly reduced, science and technology have regressed, human evolution has stagnated, and the world has fallen into chaos.

With the disappearance of supernatural powers, human beings' physical fitness and life span have been improved. Five or six hundred years later, human beings have gradually adapted to the life of ordinary people. But the global economy is in dire straits and the environment is getting worse.

Until a new legendary figure appeared. He was the first person to awaken his innate magic after six hundred years. He was the ancestor of the Oya family, "King Thuran".

Although King Thuran's reputation will be passed down to future generations, he cannot be compared with Isadore. The entire Oya family is nothing more than a subsidiary force in the awakening era.

Qianli and Chaer are the creators of an era, while Isadore is the promoter of a new era.

If Samus is really the successor of Isadore, then it is natural that the Thousand Miles Tree would actively collect his information, because the predecessor of the Thousand Miles Tree is the World Tree, which is of the same lineage as Isadore.

"No, it's impossible!" Bronn said in shock, "How can Samus be the inheritor of the divine knowledge? For more than a thousand years, no one has received the Divine Knowledge Inheritance!"

Isadore left no bloodline, which is the most regrettable thing for future generations.

"How did you know about this?" Lord Moisen questioned, "Since it is a top-secret file that even the royal family has no right to access, where did you get the information from when you can barely get in the Royal City?"

Feita's eyes were half-lidded, with a slight smile on her lips. He was clearly standing there, but he seemed to disappear at any time.

"Because he is..." Samus said, "The essence of the World Tree - Faith."

Everyone stared at Feita with wide eyes and disbelief. The amount of information in these dozens of minutes was so great that everyone had a dreamlike feeling, as if they had suddenly entered the legendary era thousands of years ago from the real world.

If it is possible to say that Samus is the inheritor of divine knowledge, then Feita's identity is completely unacceptable.

The essence of the World Tree! With the spiritual plants and networks in charge of the world, just one tree standing thousands of miles away is enough to paralyze the operating mechanism of the Royal City. And how could the spirit of a tree become a human being?

The scene fell into a dead silence, everyone had different expressions, and they were too shocked to speak.

"Haha, hahaha." Bronn laughed a few times, "How dare you make up such a lie. It's so ridiculous. Who would believe it?"

But no one agreed with him this time, because they saw a black and white circular mark appearing on Samus' forehead, spiritual patterns flowing in his pupils, the airflow around him gradually stagnating, and the majestic momentum trapped everyone in place. 

Everyone's faces turned pale, their hearts beat rapidly, and they all looked at Samus in awe. The legendary divine knowledge has a two polar mark between his eyebrows and a spiritual pattern on his pupils. These two characteristics cannot be imitated by anyone.

At the same time, Feita's hair gradually became crystal clear, and a pair of green eyes seemed to hide a world. The elements around him were entangled, becoming the only flowing color under the pressure of Samus.

No... there is another one, and that is Duoduo.

She stood quietly behind the two of them, like a link connecting the three of them together.

The essence controls the laws of plants, the spirit controls the laws of power, and the elves control the laws of aura.

The three people formed a loop of laws, taking everyone into a mysterious and powerful realm, far ahead of this era, allowing them to glimpse the glory of the era of divine knowledge.

At this moment, no one doubted their identity anymore, and they were extremely excited to witness the birth of the legend with their own eyes.

The Oya family is nothing. These two are the inheritors of divine knowledge and the essence of the World Tree. The two of them are enough to overthrow Jintilas' rule.

Samus said to the dumbfounded Della: "I'll leave Kavos to you. Don't worry about the Jintilas, we will take care of them soon."

After saying that, he took Duoduo's hand and prepared to leave.

Feita said: "Miss Della, I suggest you check Bronn's brain. He is likely to be bribed or controlled by the Jintilas. According to the records of the planting network, Bronn's character should not be so impulsive and radical."

Della's heart trembled, while Bronn was shocked and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? I..."

Samus looked at him coldly, and Bronn couldn't say anything else.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the three left Kavos together. It wasn't until they were several miles away that everyone regained their ability to move. This powerful force of absolute suppression is really terrifying! Are all the heroes of the age of divine knowledge so powerful? The gap is too big...

"When did you awaken?" Duoduo asked curiously.

Feita smiled and said: "Thanks to you for cultivating the new Thousand Miles Tree. From the moment its root system started to grow, Samus and I received the wisdom."

Duoduo thought for a moment and then said: "But there is also a Thousand Miles Tree in the Royal City. Is it any different from the one I cultivated? Why can't that Thousand Miles Tree wake you up?"

"This is new power." Samus replied, "Because of you, the Thousand Miles Tree has exploded with majestic vitality, and its potential far exceeds that of the already aging Thousand Miles Tree in the Royal City."

Feita nodded: "Then there is your aura, which contains the power of the law and complements the World Tree."

Duoduo thought to herself that this should be the credit of the Book of Spiritual Wood, which gave her the ability to practice naturally.

"Why did the World Tree change its name to Thousand Miles Tree?" Duoduo asked again. She was so curious about these two legends.

"There is only one World Tree, and it can be cultivated even though you are thousands of miles away." Feita explained, "After I learned about Isadore's prophecy, I realized that a World Tree might not be able to withstand the disaster, so I allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep. Although the power of the World Tree is reduced, it can reproduce. Humanity began to cultivate the World Tree on a large scale, successfully delaying the occurrence of the disaster for two hundred years, and the World Tree was renamed "Thousand Miles Tree". One is to commemorate my mother Qianli, and the other is to place the hope of being unique in the world."

"Your mother? Isn't Qianli the mother of Samus?" Duoduo was surprised.

Samus glanced at Feita and said, "Feita and I are brothers. It's just that one is flesh and blood, and the other is a tree."

Duoduo suddenly felt that the sage Qianli was so powerful!

"I think it's time for us to start reacting." Feita looked up at the direction of the Royal City.

"Of course." It's time for the Jintilas, who has been seeking death, to pay the price.

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