The Law of Food Raising - 68

Chapter 68 - Identity 1

Duoduo discovered that there was something wrong with her second litter of little rabbits. Although they also carried spiritual energy, they could not breed natural plants. They run around wildly with their older brothers and sisters every day, doing nothing but eating.

Duoduo once suspected that she had given birth to defective babies. She caught them and guided them one by one to cultivate natural plants. As a result, they either mutated or died. Normally, no plant could survive under their claws.

How is this happening?

"Do my babies have the ability?" Duoduo was melancholy.

"It's okay." Samus patted Duoduo's head and comforted, "Maybe they just take a long time to adapt, so don't worry. Besides, even if there's really a problem, we can afford to raise them, so we can teach them slowly."

The five little rabbits seemed to have noticed something, and were extremely depressed.

"What's wrong with the little guys? You're all looking sad. Let's go, daddy will take you to play." Samus placed them on his shoulders and sat down. He was wearing a special leather armor. In order to facilitate the placement of the little rabbits, There is a row of safety buckles designed at the shoulder blades, so the little rabbits don't need to worry about falling down when sitting on it.

He shouted: "Sit tight."

The wings condensed with black energy spread out in a whoosh, jumped up, and flew into the blue sky like an eagle.

The other seven rabbits jumped up excitedly, looking at the figure soaring in the sky with envy.

When Samus flew back, the five little rabbits turned into meatballs. After being put on the ground, their limbs were trembling so much that they could not even walk. They happily came to Duoduo's side, pairs of big eyes shining like gems.

Duoduo felt that Samus was right. Even if her children were just ordinary little rabbits, she would not abandon them.

Samus flew into the sky with another seven. Duoduo sat cross-legged on the ground and put five little rabbits on her lap to help them distance themselves from the messy rabbit fur. Fingers gently caressed them, and the five little rabbits squeezed together with squinted eyes. They felt particularly at ease under their mother's familiar breath.

In the sky, Samus was flying happily with his children when he suddenly noticed a group of people in the distance moving quickly in the direction of the manor. There were about a hundred people, and it seemed that they were coming from Kavos.

Samus felt strange. He had an internal agreement with Kavos. If the number of people entering the manor exceeds twenty, they must be notified in advance. The following group of people were obviously against their agreemement. They didn't look like people from the Royal City, but they seemed to have some bad intentions.

Samus immediately returned to the manor and said to Duoduo: "Activate the invisibility array."

In the mutated woods around the manor, there is a supernatural plant array designed by Feita, which is mainly used for defense, warning, psychedelic, invisibility, etc.

Duoduo didn't ask any questions, closed her eyes, released her spiritual energy, and established an energy connection with the corresponding supernatural plant.

They saw a spiritual pattern appearing out of thin air all around, and the light disappeared in a flash. At the same time, the scenery outside the manor has changed slightly, but the specific changes cannot be said. You can only find it when you walk in, but you can no longer find the location of the manor.

When the group of people arrived near the manor, they were all dumbfounded. The manor seemed to have disappeared, with no trace left, and not even a trace of the scent of natural plants could be traced.

"This is impossible!" Everyone felt incredible. Even if Samus and the others use some kind of magic to hide it, the smell of natural plants cannot be hidden!

But they didn't know that there was a real hermit beside Samus. Hidden in all things, hidden in heaven and earth, no trace can be found.

"Everyone, search around, maybe you remember the wrong direction." Someone shouted.

Everyone immediately started to take action.

Samus and several soldiers hid in the dark and observed, and found that all of these outsiders had bad looks, fierce expressions, and extremely unstable mental fluctuations. It seemed as if they might go crazy at any time.

A soldier whispered: "Sir, they look like..."

Samus nodded: "Their a virus carriers."

"What are they doing here in groups?" The soldier looked surprised.

"I guess something happened in Kavos." Samus asked, "Did you receive news from them?"


"It seems that this group of people is acting, or our intelligence agent was delayed due to other matters." Samus thought for a while and ordered, "You continue to monitor here, I will go to Kavos to take a look. ”

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

When Samus arrived at Kavos, he did not expect to see such a chaotic scene. There were corpses and injured everywhere on the street, and many people were fighting fiercely. Screams, noises, cries, and roars came one after another.

Outside the lord's mansion, countless magicians gathered. Della and others were confronting another group of people. The atmosphere was very unpleasant.

Guze stayed alone in the corner, looking at the group of troublemakers with cold eyes.

"Guze." Samus came to Guze quietly.

Guze was surprised at first, and then said happily: "Sir, you are here."

"What happened?"

Guze lowered his voice and replied: "Some viruses have been upgraded, the mortality rate has increased by 30%, and the madness of magicians has accelerated. Many people have died of cannibalism before they have obtained the antidote. Our antidote is limited and last night's cure for the two super viruses was not perfect. A new batch of berserkers appeared and started killing wildly. Although we sent troops to suppress them, the situation became worse. Bronn took the opportunity to put pressure on us and asked us to hand over the antidote. The formula is made by many doctors working together to create the antidote.”

Samus frowned: "It doesn't matter if the formula of the antidote is disclosed, but the medicinal materials are limited."

"I guess sooner or later they will come to you for help."

"No need to guess, they have already gone, but I'm afraid they are not going to ask for help, but intend to rob us directly."

Guze was shocked: "Then..."

"It's okay, they don't pose a threat to the manor." Samus looked at the situation outside and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Guze looked at Samus in silence, with a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Samus looked away, pretending not to notice.

Guze was slightly disappointed, but he didn't force it.

At this time, there was a noise outside, and Bronn took the lead in forcing Della to hand over the antidote. 

In fact, the virus had been effectively controlled before this, but they don't know why it suddenly escalated. Then the riots spread at an extremely fast speed, and with Bronn and others adding fuel to the fire, the situation became more and more intense. Many people believe that this is the result of poor monitoring by leaders, and the leadership of Della and others has been questioned.

Seeing that more and more people are asking Della to give up her position as lord, the situation is on the verge of breaking out.

"Sir!" An excited voice came from behind, and Wei Chen walked over quickly, "It's great that you are here!"

Several people looked around, and when they saw Samus, they all showed surprise, saluted him, and made way for a passage.

Samus was like a stabilizing stone, making everyone subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief, as if as long as he was around, all crises would be solved.

When Bronn, who was originally arrogant, saw Samus appear, his face became very ugly, and he pointed angrily: "You, a guy who has been expelled from the family, what qualifications do you have to stand here?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were immediately angered. They stared at Bronn with murderous intent, wishing to eat him alive.

Bronn didn't care at all and continued to shout: "Samus, Kavos has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to be the enemy of the entire Oya family, it's best to get out of here immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, Samus instantly moved to Bronn and stared coldly: "Be careful what you say. Oya is kind to me, but you are not. As long as the leader of Kavos does not expel me, I am qualified to stand on this land.”

Bronn's face turned pale, and he was overwhelmed by Samus' power.

"Bronn, to Kavos, you are an outsider." Della scolded coldly, "Why should we expel the lord of Kavos?"

"Haha." Bronn took a step back and forced a smile, "The lord of Kavos? He is nothing now. Della, you are also a member of the Oya family, why are you entertaining this outsider?"

"He is not an outsider." Della said firmly, "Even if he does not have the blood of an Oya, what he has done for Kavos is enough to be worthy of the position of lord. He left because he did not want to fight with us, don’t take his retreat as cowardice.”

"Hmph, no matter what, a person without status cannot succeed to the position of lord." Bronn looked around and said loudly, "Do you want a person of unknown origin to lead you? What if he is a descendant of the vagrants? Why do you have the dignity to stand here?"

Everyone looked at Samus hesitantly, not knowing how to make a decision. From the bottom of their hearts, they are willing to support Samus. He is fully capable of solving the current problem, not to mention that there is a someone behind him who masters the magic of cultivation.

At this moment, Samus suddenly looked in a certain direction, and everyone turned their heads, only to see a figure riding a wind leopard not far away running towards their direction. Before everyone had time to see clearly who the person was, they saw that Samus had already rushed up to meet the person, spreading his arms to hug the petite figure.

"Why are you here?" Samus looked down at the person in his arms and asked slightly reproachfully.

"I received news that there was a riot in Kavos, so I came to take a look." Duoduo stretched her neck and looked over his shoulder, and found hundreds of people over there looking at them. She immediately retracted her head again.

"Now that you're here, don't run around. We'll go back together later."

"Yes." Duoduo nodded obediently.

Samus put her down, took her hand and walked to Della, letting her catch up with the others.

"It's Duoduo!"

There was a commotion among the crowd. The white and tender Duoduo looks particularly bright among a group of dark-skinned people, and her whole body is full of healthy brilliance. Her position in everyone's hearts is very special. She does not have the kind of hero worship for Samus, but sincere love.

Duoduo's arrival made many people shaken. Samus, who has Duoduo's complete trust, may be able to lead everyone out of the predicament...

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Bronn immediately shouted: "Everyone, Duoduo belongs to everyone. Don't you think it's unfair that Samus takes her as his own?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Bronn added: "Duoduo is just a child and can be easily deceived. As long as Samus is nice to her, she will follow him wholeheartedly, even abandoning Oya's protection. Only children can do such impulsive things. She doesn’t know that some people’s hearts are evil and we have a responsibility to protect her.”

These remarks actually received a lot of support.

Samus almost laughed angrily.

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