The Law of Food Raising - 67

Chapter 67 - Awakening Signs

The Thousand Miles Tree has a vigorous vitality that is unmatched by any plant. The strange thing is that it has such a high level but does not produce intelligence.

Duoduo and the little rabbits gathered around it, carefully sensing its changes.

"Yangyang, take your younger brothers and sisters and stand aside." Duoduo ordered.

The pink eldest brother Yangyang moved his ears and jumped to the side silently. The other little rabbits followed him one by one. Yangyang is usually taciturn and spends most of his time sleeping, but as long as he is awake, other little rabbits dare not act recklessly in front of him.

Duoduo concentrated her energy and slowly directed her spiritual energy towards the Thousand Miles Tree. The branches are shining with a faint light, and lines are flowing through them. They look like the Milky Way in the night, which is really beautiful.

Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, the huge root system began to grow, going deep into the mud layer little by little and spreading to all sides.

"Hmm!" Samus, who was on a mission at the manor, suddenly covered his forehead with a slightly stern expression. His forehead felt inexplicably hot, and some blurry images flashed through his mind, but the increasing amount of heat on his forehead made him unable to concentrate, as if someone was branding his eyebrows with a hot iron.

There was a faint light between Samus' fingers covering his forehead, and a strange mark slowly appeared on his forehead.

Samus seemed to be aware of it. He reached out and took out a mirror from somewhere and looked at himself.

Strangely, the forehead was completely smooth without any marks. The heat gradually subsided and soon returned to normal.

What happened? Could it be that he is sick? It shouldn’t be. He has been eating well and sleeping soundly recently. He is full of energy and his strength has improved. He's so strong that he can reproduce little rabbits for decades!

The nearby soldiers were about to report the situation to Samus. Who would have expected that when they turned around, they saw their master looking left and right in front of a mirror, as if he was studying how handsome he was?

Soldier: "..." Sir, is it really okay to be "vain" in the middle of a mission? Your majestic image has collapsed, okay?

The soldiers' gazes were too "hot". Samus put away the mirror with a stern expression and said in a deep voice: "Don't be in a daze, focus on the mission."

Soldiers: "..."

At the same time that Samus felt his forehead getting hot, someone in Kavos also had something abnormal. That is Feita, who is studying supernatural plants. He has been secretly supporting Samus. He provided the manor blueprints, defense layout, information on various supernatural plants, etc.

Feita held his head, a look of pain on his face, countless information rushed in, his brain seemed to explode, and chaotic mental fluctuations swept through him like lightning.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes changing from confusion to understanding, and finally calmed down.

He looked down at his hands, his soft expression mixed with a bit of sadness: "So I am..."

He raised his head, walked slowly to the window, first looked in the direction of the Royal City, and then looked at the manor where Samus and Duoduo were.


Royal City: Shenmu Palace

"My lord, there is something abnormal going on with the Thousand Miles Tree!" a researcher from the research institute reported.

"What's wrong?" Goro asked casually.

"There was a sudden mental fluctuation for tens of seconds just now!" the researcher said in an excited tone.

"Mental fluctuations?" Goro raised his eyebrows, slightly interested.

"Yes!" the researcher continued, "This is the first time in history that the mind that has been unrivaled for thousands of miles has finally experienced an exciting change!"

The outside world only knows that the Royal City has the only uncorrupted Thousand Miles Tree in the world, but they don’t know that this Thousand Miles Tree is incomplete. Although, it has intelligence, its mental fluctuations have always been in a low state, like a sleeping baby, fragile and quiet. 

Without intelligence, the Thousand Miles Tree is just a primitive machine. Even though it is powerful, it cannot support the entire planet. The reason why plants mutate has a lot to do with the gradual loss of spirituality of the Thousand Miles Tree. It can only defend passively and cannot actively attack.

"There are actually mental fluctuations. Is it about to awaken?" Goro touched his chin and ordered, "In the past few days, you will focus on monitoring the Thousand Miles Tree. If there is any situation, report to me immediately."



After a good night's sleep, the strange fever last night did not have any impact on Samus. When he woke up refreshed, Duoduo was still sleeping. She consumed so much spiritual energy yesterday that she probably wouldn't be able to get up before noon.

Samus leaned over and kissed her on the face, then got up gently to wash up.

Just after breakfast, he heard the guard report: "Sir, Lord Bai Dong is here to visit."

"Bai Dong?" Samus walked into the hall with some doubts. Ever since Bai Dong's sister was accused by him as a traitor, Bai Dong has never taken the initiative to find him, perhaps because of guilt or resentment. He has no idea why he came here this time.

But Samus never expected that Bai Dong would kneel down as soon as he saw him, and his first words were: "Sir, please save my sister!"

"What's going on?" Samus frowned.

Bai Dong said sadly: "My sister is infected by the virus, but Miss Della and the others are unwilling to provide an antidote."

Samus understood. Bai Bei betrayed the family, obeyed the Jintilas, and used mind control to bring a huge crisis to Kavos. The main reason why Kavos collapsed so quickly was because of her.

Bai Bei can be regarded as the most hated person by the entire Kavos management. After the virus spread, the antidote was in short supply. How could Della and the others be willing to provide it to Bai Bei?

"Bai Dong, you should know that the crime your sister committed is unforgivable." Samus said solemnly, "She should bear the consequences of her betrayal."

"I know." Bai Dong said painfully, "But she is my sister after all. I can't just watch her die."

"I understand how you feel." Samus helped him up and comforted him, "But I can't give you the antidote you want."

Bai Dong lowered his head and clenched his fists, seeming to be trying his best to suppress his emotions.

After a long while, he took a deep breath and saluted: "I'm sorry, sir, I forced you. I will go back now and accompany my sister to walk the final journey."

"Bai Dong." Samus stopped him, "Everything in this world has a price. What price are you willing to pay to save your sister?"

Bai Dong's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Sir!"

"Tell me, what price are you willing to pay?"

"I am willing to give everything, even my life!" Bai Dong said without hesitation.

Samus stared at him for a long time and said: "Go find a memory master. When you find it, I will give you the antidote."

"My lord, what you mean is..."

"Bai Bei can no longer retain her original memory. After she receives treatment, she must spend her whole life repaying the crimes she has committed."

"Yes! As long as I give her hope of survival, I will bear all the blame with her."

Samus sighed and said with a smile: "Bai Bei is really lucky to have such a brother."

Bai Dong cried and laughed. The pressure of more than a year was relieved at this moment.

Before leaving, Duoduo also received the news and came to see him off.

"Bai Dong, long time no see." Duoduo gave Bai Dong a big hug. She always remembered that it was him who brought her to Kavos.

Bai Dong hugged back hard, and the warmth on Duoduo's body instantly soothed his tired heart. Her smile remained the same as before, without any hesitation or defensiveness.

"These things are for you." Duoduo stuffed a lot of messy things into his arms.

Bai Dong accepted it with a smile, full of warmth. When he was seriously injured by Utrey, it was this girl who brought him life-saving medicine. The best thing he did in his life was probably to discover Duoduo and bring her to Kavos.

"Be careful on the road and remember to come see me." Duoduo waved her hands fiercely as he left and shouted loudly.

Bai Dong raised his hand in response, then rode away on his wind leopard.

"Duoduo." Samus' faint voice came from behind her, and his huge figure enveloped her.

Duoduo tilted her head back and stared at Samus' chin.

"Is it really okay for you to hug other men in front of me?"

"I just felt that Bai Dong needed a hug just now." Duoduo turned around and muttered.

Samus' heart softened, but his expression remained cold.

Duoduo glanced at him secretly, then hugged his waist, raised her head and said, "I realize that you also need a hug now."

Samus looked at her little face, his expression could no longer change. He picked her up and kissed her heavily on the lips. This sweet girl is so heartwarming!

"Let's go back and eat."


On the other side, after Bai Dong left the manor, he immediately went to various places to look for memory masters. The memory master imprisoned by Kavos must not be used. Who knows if he will create any strange memories for Bai Bei.

During the break, Bai Dong was replenishing food while sorting out the gifts from Duoduo, including fruits, sachets, dolls, drinks, and... Bai Dong looked stunned and took out something from the pile of gifts.

"This is..." Bai Dong's fingers trembled slightly, his eyes were hot, and tears couldn't stop falling. He wiped them with his sleeves, crying and laughing, "Are they stupid? If you 'pay' in advance, you won't be afraid of me defaulting?"

He hadn't found the Memory Master yet, hadn't paid any price yet, but they handed him the antidote so easily.

In the past two years, because of Bai Bei's relationship, he was ridiculed in Kavos, and his former friends gradually abandoned him. Although they comforted him with words, they built a defense line against him in their heart, and he was left looking from the outside.

Bai Dong looked at the thing in his hand, feeling moved in his heart. What Samus and Duoduo gave him was not just a tube of antidote, but also an irreplaceable trust.

He raised his head, his eyes firm.

He will keep his promise and find the memory master first, and then treat Bai Bei. If Bai Bei loses the chance of treatment because of his delay, he is willing to spend the rest of his life regretting his decision.

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