The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 43

Chapter 43 - "This is Ruoruo"

Sang Ruo felt better. She held his hand and awkwardly comforted him: "Don’t worry, I won't stab you."


Qin Zheng smiled helplessly, picked her up by her collar, and whispered to her: "I can’t die in the hands of a little girl."


She hugged his neck and hummed slightly, not satisfied.


He patted her butt gently: "If I die, will you still have a man?"


Fortunately the wound was just superficial. Given with their history and Zhou Manlin’s mouth he thought he had to look out for Sang Rou.


He took out the fat from meat and put into his bowl and told her: "Don't play with knives again. They’re dangerous."


Sang Ruo nodded while chewing rice balls.


She wouldn't lie to him.



After returning Zhou Manlin back to her family, Chen Da and He You took the money and went to have fun, leaving them alone in the store.


The Dragon Boat Festival* is coming.



Qin Zheng ignored the increasing number of customers, closed the store, and packed their luggage to take her back to his hometown.


Going home has always been hard for him. Whenever he visited, his relatives would bombard him with questions about marriage and how he was going to be alone. He finally has his own girl.


His hometown is more than a thousand kilometers away from the city. Qin Zheng drove for a day and took her to park at the service area for three hours before getting back on the road.


Sang Ruo slept like a little pig as soon as she got in the car. She didn't open her eyes until they reached the destination.


This place is completely different from the city. It’s located in the mountains, with green fields, clear water, and lush woods.


They had to go on foot for the last stretch of their journey. Qin Zheng took all of their bags not wanting Sang Rou to carry anything. He was afraid the unpaved road was going to be hard enough for a city girl.


Surprisingly, Sang Rou took one of the bags he was holding, carried it and held his hand with the other.


Qin Zheng laughed out loud. His heart was so full, he felt like he could fly.


Soon, a courtyard with green bricks and white tiles appeared. Qin Zheng opened the door and walked in. The roosters and hens inside were pecking away leisurely, and a white smoke was floating upwards from the kitchen chimney.


A woman with shoulder length hair came out. She didn't smile when she saw them. She pointed coldly at the small bamboo and rattan chair: "Sit down."


Qin Zheng put down his things and led Sang Rou to his mother: "Mom, this is Ruoruo."


Wang Haili glanced at her casually: "Hello."


He had already sent a message on WeChat that he was going to take his girlfriend home, but she didn't expect Zheng’s cabbage to be so tender.


Wang Haili took out the bracelet wrapped in a handkerchief from her pocket and gave it to her: "Take it, it's a country thing, don't refuse it."


No matter how tender the cabbage is, it still needs to be given a greeting gift.


Sang Rou accepted it and responded enthusiastically: "Thank you, auntie."

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