The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 12

Chapter 12 - "She didn't even say goodbye"

Chen Da and Qin Zheng stood in front of her. Only the light above her head came through. He You finally realized the situation she was in.


She was especially scared of Qin Zheng. With his tall stature and bulging biceps, he can crush her to death.


She swallowed and forced herself to calm down: "What do you suggest we should do?!"


Chen Da's face hurt from the slap he got awhile ago, and he stared daggers at her: "I said, I quit!"


"But, you already took the money..." Her momentum weakened again, and she began to regret why she provoked these two gangsters.


Chen Da looked at Qin Zheng, but he was the one who took the job and Qin Zheng couldn’t care less.


He then kicked the debris under his feet and said angrily: "I’m not kidnapping any woman anymore! It's so troublesome!"


His eyes showed a fierce look: "Get your husband abducted, and ask him for money directly."


He You was startled, and then became a little tempted: "Can I really do that?"


The two of them discussed it like they were playing house, Qin Zheng had no energy to pay attention to their shenanigans. He turned around and picked up Sang Ruo.


She held his clothes and asked: "What are you doing?"


Qin Zheng was a little amused and raised his eyebrows: "Don’t you wanna go home?"


The little girl remained silent, then stretched out her little feet and stepped into her leather shoes, a little reluctantly.


He noticed that there was some dust on her feet and moved his hand to wipe it off. He felt that he was being servile and cursed himself secretly: You are so fucking used to serving her!


Sang Ruo followed him with her head lowered, looking a little depressed.


Chen Da saw the two of them, interrupted He You and asked loudly: "Brother Zheng, what are you doing?!"


Qin Zheng shook the car key in his hand and said :”I’m returning the girl to her rightful owner."


He had been contemplating returning Sang Rou since yesterday to avoid acting on his beastly thoughts, and his conscience was rearing its ugly head.


He opened the back door for Sang Rou, and said, "Get in the van."


She climbed up on the seat and turned her head away from him.


Qin Zheng felt that he was at a loss. He had been serving her for two days, but she still didn't look good before leaving.


He unconsciously explained: "The passenger seat is broken."


He raised his hand, touched his short, prickly hair, and chuckled, laughing at himself for thinking that she was one of those women who are obsessed with riding shotgun.


He also felt a little sick. People were only obsessed with riding shotgun when they were in love.


He looked at her inquiringly, trying to get some response from her, but Sang Rou didn't even look at him.


While gritting his teeth, Qin Zheng firmly shut the door.


The sanatorium is in the suburbs, and it doesn't take long to get there from the warehouse.


Qin Zheng drove the car to a blind spot and pointed at the small door not far away: "Go there by yourself."


That's where they kidnapped Sang Ruo, just the day before yesterday.


Qin Zheng can’t believe that it had only been two days.


The little girl moved, put Qin Zheng’s coat on the seat, opened the car door and left.


Qin Zheng gritted his teeth - rotten child, not even saying goodbye.

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