The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 13

Chapter 13 - “Do you want to come with me?”

Sang Rou walked up to the iron door with a straight back and rang the doorbell.


Qin Zheng's mind was a little confused. He had tried his best to serve her but looking at her, she looked like he neglected her. The day before yesterday, she was a little fairy with a fluttering white dress, and today she looked like a little beggar covered in dirt.


His hand was holding the handbrake, his dark eyes were staring at her, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart——


Wait until she goes in before leaving.


Wait for her to go in and go back to the world that has nothing to do with her.


The little girl rang the bell twice, but no one came to open the door. She lowered her head and looked at her toes.


The summer morning was a little chilly, her long hair was blown around, and her face was pale.


Qin Zheng felt a trace of regret, he shouldn't have sent her here so early, he should have let her have breakfast first.


He turned his head and glanced at the neatly folded coat. She had worn it for two nights, so she probably didn't dislike it.


He stretched out his long arm to take it to her. He was about to open the car door, when a person suddenly came out of the iron door.


He’s tall and slender, wearing a suit and a pair of glasses. There’s both anxiety and joy on his face.


Qin Zheng put his hand back and watched the man take off his suit and put it on Sang Rou. He watched the man bend down and whisper something to her——


Qin Zheng had no expression on his face and finally started the car.


Sang Rou’s ears twitched slightly. She turned her head and saw only the dirty back of the van.


She heard the doctor, the man from the door, promised to her: "Sang Ruo, wait for me here. I'll take you home after work."


There's no going back, she thought.


Being kidnapped by Qin Zheng was not an accident.


Zhou Manlin, the mistress’s daughter, knew something was up. Her father's wife was going to kidnap her in exchange for money. She was terrified and decided to trick Sang Ruo.


Zhou Manlin envied her but looked down on her. She felt like there was nothing special with her height and body, yet Sang Rou still managed to become the white lotus of the sanatorium.


Sang Ruo immediately changed her clothes.


She was sick of the sanatorium and had been feeling this way for a long time. She felt suffocated and wanted to go out for a walk.



The doctor said that the Sang family would no longer pay her fees and they no longer have a room for her to stay.


He also said that he was willing to take her home and asked her to wait for him.


Sang Ruo pulled the leaves from the mulberry tree on the roadside and sprinkled them on the ground.


She didn't care at all, she was used to being passed around.


Sang Ruo's eyes suddenly looked a little sad. She remembered the balance in Qin Zheng’s Snake Game account, which she had not yet used up.


At noon, the sun was getting a little brighter, and Sang Ruo was blinded by the sun. She covered her eyes with her hands.


At this moment, a black Mercedes-Benz rushed over and stopped beside her.


The window rolled down, revealing the driver’s face.


It was Qin Zheng. He took good care of her, better than the nurses in the sanatorium. Sang Ruo looked at him quietly.


Qin Zheng's throat was dry and he asked uneasily: "What are you doing here?"


Sang Ruo thought it was strange that he came back, but she still replied: "They won’t let me stay there anymore. My family stopped paying the fees."


His hands tightened on the steering wheel and he asked slowly: "Do you want to come with me?"




Female Goose: I just want to play Snake and you actually want to have sex with me?!


Brother Zheng: I fell in love with you two days ago and you think I’m just a caregiver?!


This article is also called "The story of the male protagonist who fell in love with her after two days and the female protagonist who doesn’t understand love"

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  1. Umm is anyone bothered by the age??? And how he reacted to her???? Hopefully hed be redeemd in a way that he wont touch her no matter how horny he gets


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