The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 33

Chapter 33 - "Love Brain"


Sang Ruo has always had this problem during her period. She had to take painkillers to get through it every time.


The next day Qin Zheng took her to see an old Chinese medicine doctor. After checking her pulse and prescribing medicine, the old man with a white beard added meaningfully: "Reduce the number of times you have sex, the little girl looks a little weak."


The man touched his chin unnaturally, thinking that he had been making trouble with her a lot recently, so he had to be more restrained.


He took her home, made some medicine first, and coaxed her to drink it. Finally, he slept beside her.


Sang Rou rested her head on his arm, her eyes bright: "You fit the description perfectly."


Qin Zheng was staring at her and looking forward to what she would say: "What?"


He thought the little girl was going to praise him for his attentiveness, gentleness, and love for his wife, but unexpectedly her little mouth opened and said: "Love brain*."


*A mindset fixated on romance


In the sanatorium, there were a lot of people who were in love. A lot of the clients in the sanatorium are adolescents, so every time the teachers discover a budding relationship, they always inform them about their love brain.


He twitched the corner of his mouth and gently tweaked her ear: "Are you looking for a fight? I'm a tough guy, what made you think I’m so obsessed with love?"


Perhaps because she was emotional during her menstrual period, Sang Rou looked different than usual. She nuzzled in his neck and said, "Thank you."


Qin Zheng was very satisfied in his heart he could fly: "What are you thanking me for? You're all mine, isn't it normal for me to love you?"


He kissed her ear: "The brain in love is the brain in love."


Sang Ruo's mouth curved up, smiling cutely.


Qin Zheng rubbed her belly and whispered: "You're so good, I don't know why your parents are willing to send you there."


This was the first time he mentioned her parents. He was afraid that she would want to go back some time ago, so he kept it in his heart.


The girl half-closed her eyes: "They don't like me."


In fact, she hadn't seen them for a long time, and they never showed up during the fixed visiting hours in the sanatorium. 


Qin Zheng hugged her: "We don’t need them."


Sang Ruo raised her eyes, suddenly curious about him: "Where are your parents?"


The man scratched his head: "My dad passed away when I was young. I'll take you back to my hometown to meet my mother during the Chinese New Year."


She was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting him to bring her home.


Qin Zheng kissed her: "Don't worry, she will definitely like you. Can I make a mistake in choosing a wife?"


"Why don't you live with her?" she asked.


Most children in sanatorium desperately want to be taken home.


He waved his hand: "She likes the countryside and doesn't want to come to the city. I can't persuade her."


Sang Rou blinked and started another topic: "What’s the countryside like?"


Qin Zheng pondered for a moment and explained: "We have chickens, ducks, cows and sheep. In the summer we go down to the river to catch shrimps, and in the winter we stay at home and warm ourselves by the fire."


He looked at the little girl's pale face and said, "There's no heating there. I'll put on more clothes for you and put it in the fire barrel for the winter."


Sang Ruo asked: "What’s  a fire barrel?"


Qin Zheng reached out to touch her feet, and found that her feet were cold.


He frowned, put her feet on his stomach, and then answered: "It’s used for heating in winter, a large barrel surrounded by wood, with a charcoal brazier at the bottom."


He muttered: "Keep your feet from freezing to death."


Sang Ruo squinted her eyes comfortably, tilted her head in his arms, and fell asleep.

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