The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 34

 Chapter 34 - "Is it true?"


After Sang Ruo's menstrual period passed, Qin Zheng got the news that Chen Da and He You had really kidnapped Zhou Li and locked him up in a shabby factory in the suburbs.


They wanted to make money, and he couldn't stop them. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that they locked Zhou Li's daughter in the utility room of his internet cafe, and almost scared him half to death when he went in to get something.


Zhou Manlin had tape on her mouth, her hair was a mess, and she was crying so hard that she her nose was running with snot.


Looking at the big and tall men, her eyes were filled with fear.


Qin Zheng called Chen Da with a cold face——


"Brother Zheng, please guard her for us. She can run better than her father. We can only watch one."


Before  Qin Zheng could respond, the other person ended the call.


Qin Zheng frowned, his face full of displeasure.


Sang Rou poked her head out from behind him and saw her as well, a little surprised: "Why are you tied up too?"


Zhou Manlin felt that she was gloating about her misfortune and cried even harder.


She was not at all happy to see her former sanatorium friend here.


Qin Zheng chuckled and tore off the tape on her mouth: "Is this the girl who gave you a hard time?"


Sang Ruo nodded.


Zhou Manlin trembled her lips and said quietly: "Doctor Yang is looking for you everywhere, why are you with this person?"


She's always been clever and knows how to change the subject.


On the day Sang Ruo was kidnapped, she hid on the second floor and was watching everything unfold. She clearly saw their appearance, and knew that Qin Zheng was the one who was supposed to kidnap her.


Qin Zheng crossed his arms and asked: "Doctor Yang?"


Before Sang Ruo could say anything, Zhou Manlin spoke hurriedly: "It's the man who likes her. He originally said he would take her home."


 She could tell that Sang Ruo had an unusual relationship with him.


Qin Zheng remembered the pretty boy wearing glasses who greeted Sang Rou when he dropped her off at the sanatorium 


Zhou Manlin looked at the two of them helplessly, but neither of them spoke.


Finally, she spoke impatiently: "I really don't understand. You were abandoned by the Sang family and you decided to hang out with this kind of gangster. You're so despicable."


Qin Zheng took two steps forward, with a cold light in his eyes. This woman's mouth was too unpleasant.


Zhou Manlin was startled and shrank back, fearing that he was going to hit her.


Of course he doesn’t hit women, but the muscles in his arms were tight, and he felt that at the same age of sixteen, Sang Ruo was much more lovable.


At this time, the girl who had been quiet spoke up: "Where's your dad? Why aren't you with him?"


Zhou Manlin was upset. When she and Zhou Li were taken, he pushed her down hard to buy some time to escape. The abrasions on her legs are still hurting.


She said harshly: "My dad will use money to save me!"


Sang Ruo said coolly: "Really?"


It was just a simple question, her tone was flat, but Zhou Manlin seemed to hear ridicule from it.


She was so angry that she scolded her: "What's so great about you?! The Sang family is rich, but they don’t care about you! Now the Yue family is looking for you!"


These words made Sang Ruo frown: "The Yue family?"


Zhou Manlin smiled coldly: "Yes, your parents sold you to the Yue family to marry that fifty-year-old man. Go back and enjoy your happiness."


Qin Zheng stood beside them and said nothing. He didn't understand the little girl's family background, but now that he heard what this woman said, he had the strong urge to put Sang Rou in a tower so no one could take her away from him.

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