The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 54

Chapter 54 - "It took you five days to find me"

As soon as they turned a corner, the girl turned around and hugged him tightly.


Qin Zheng felt soft in his heart, wondering if she had been bullied.


He really wanted to pick her up and run home but forced himself to put his big hand on her head and said calmly: "Not here."


It was too close and anyone can see them.


However, Sang Ruo ignored him and kept her arms around his waist.


Qin Zheng picked her up and quickly ran into a room.


Almost as soon as the door closed the two of them fell into darkness, Sang Rou's trembling lips pressed tightly against his.


He held the back of her head, easily parted her lips and began to kiss her.


Unlike before, she began to respond to him greedily, teasing him with the tip of her tongue.


Qin Zheng sucked her lips and tried his best to calm her uneasiness.


Sang Rou wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her eyes open, scared this was a dream and he’ll vanish any minute.


He let go of her, kissed the corner of her mouth, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, darling, I'm here."


The little girl shook her head: "I'm not afraid, I knew you’d come."


There was determination in her words, but in fact the panic in her heart slowly disappeared the moment she saw him.


She hadn't known him for long time, but he was the only one who wouldn't abandon her, so she became dependent on him.


For the first time in sixteen years, she can’t be indifferent.


Qin Zheng smiled and pinched her face: "You have quite a lot of confidence in me."


Sang Ruo clung to him without saying a word.


The two hugged each other quietly for a while. Suddenly, Sang Rou put his hand on her left chest and stared at him unblinkingly——


Qin Zheng was a little stiff, his eyes evasive: "What are you doing? Don't think about it. We don't have enough time to do it."


Sang Rou pressed his hand harder on her chest and said, "My heart is beating very fast."


It turns out that's not what she meant... Qin Zheng was a little embarrassed, and after feeling it, her heart was indeed beating rapidly.


He touched his nose: "Are you so excited to see me?"


A moment of helplessness appeared on Sang Ruo's fair face. She shook her head and buried her face in his neck again.


Qin Zheng, you stupid man. I'm saying I like you, Sang Rou thought.


He still didn't react. At this time, he was squeezing her arms, thighs and butt. His voice was filled with depression: "Why have you lost a lot of weight? I finally made you fatter."


He nudged her: "Are they not feeding you well?"


"And you have dark circles under your eyes. Are you not sleeping at night?"


He was really talkative. Sang Ruo rested her head on his shoulder, and her ears were filled with the sound of his voice.


She felt very at ease.


When he had said enough, Sang Rou suddenly said, "I want to go home with you."


She rarely spoke like this, and her dark eyes stared at him, looking extremely pitiful, like a little street cat that no one wanted.


He wiped the tears from the corner of Sang Ruo's eyes, and she realized that she was crying.


She’s not crying because she was treated differently and discarded arbitrarily by the Sang family, but because she’s afraid of losing the love she just had.


Qin Zheng felt extremely distressed. He promised himself that he would always make her feel wanted and now here she is wanting him to bring her back home but he can't.


He coaxed her: "Don't cry, don't cry."


Qin Zheng hesitated again and again, and finally revealed his plan: "I can't bring you home yet. If we leave like this, you will always have to look over your shoulder. I don't want you to live like that. We need to completely remove your family from your life."


Sang Ruo's eyes were bright: "You want to kill them."


"No..." He held his forehead helplessly. Although he had made a living by being a gangster in the past, he had never killed someone before.


"I have a plan. Trust me. Haven't I found you?" He hugged her.


"It's the fifth day." She said aggrievedly, "It took you five days to find me."

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