The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 10

Chapter 10 - "I'm afraid of the dark"

Qin Zheng was leaning against the wall, and the little girl was playing games next to him, her face reflected in the dark night.


He felt like this girl has him wrapped around her fingers. He could not refuse her at all.


He was hoping tomorrow would come sooner. He turned his head to look at her, her big black eyes staring intently at the screen, her little mouth exhaling slightly because she had successfully leveled up. She looked like a child.


He didn't understand what kind of evil intentions he had.


Sang Rou ended the game and handed him the phone.


Qin Zheng calmed down, took it and turned on the flashlight: "No more fun?"


Sang Rou nodded, hesitated, and said, "I want to take a shower."


Seeing that he remained silent, she added: "You said yesterday, it's just for one night."


Qin Zheng thought for a while, and recalled what he said yesterday, “How dirty can you be if you don't wash for one night?”


He was a little helpless. How could she take a shower in this place.


He put his tongue against the roof of his mouth and tried to reason with her: "There’s s no hot water, how can you shower? You just have to wait one more night, and it will be fine tomorrow."


He was actually not sure. After all, the legal wife would come to pick her up tomorrow, and he didn't know what she would do to the mistress's daughter.


Sang Ruo stared at him stubbornly without saying a word.


Qin Zheng held his forehead, stood up and boiled water with a kettle, and said harshly: "You really owe me."


After boiling the water, he added cold water to it and said, "This is not enough for you to wash, just wipe yourself clean."


He left his phone with her and stood up to leave when he heard Sang Ruo say quietly: "Towel."


He paused and scratched his head. There really were no towels here. There were towels in the car but he already used them for sweat.


Qin Zheng turned around, took out a spare short-sleeved shirt from his bag and handed it to her. Seeing that she refused to accept it, he explained: "It's clean."


Only then did Sang Ruo take it, wearing his coat, staring at him.


He was helpless and asked, "What else do you want?"


"Don't go far," she said.


She had to be guarded while taking a bath. Isn’t she afraid of him getting too animalistic and fucking her? Qin Zheng complained.


Sang Ruo added: "I'm afraid of the dark."


He nodded: "Okay, I'll be outside. Call me when you’re done."


In the end, he still compromised.


He raised his eyes and looked at the moon in the sky, hearing the rustling sounds of the forest, the noise of Chen Da's short video in the car not far away, and the sound of the little girl inside cleaning herself.


She soaked her short sleeves in the water, wrung it out with her little hands, and then rubbed it bit by bit from her slender neck to her snow-like breasts.


Then came her pussy, which she rubbed gently with the palm of her hand through a layer of cloth, trying to wipe it clean.


There was nothing to wipe. She was so pink that it made him want to put it in his mouth and lick it. She insisted on using his short sleeves to wipe it.


The short-sleeves are of poor quality and the fabric is rough, which may scratch her tender skin——


Qin Zheng put his hand on his dick and stroked it back and forth.


He was breathing slowly and his eyes were red - one day, he must...


The girl's crisp voice reached his ears: "Okay."


Big drops of sweat fell on Qin Zheng's forehead, he raised his head suddenly, let out a low groan in his throat, and a stream of sticky white discharge shot in his palm.

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