The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 22

Chapter 22 - "Buy a mobile phone" 

Qin Zheng closed the internet cafe in the afternoon and took Sang Ruo to buy a mobile phone.


He first took her to the business hall, then suddenly remembered and asked her, "Do you have an ID card?"


She had nothing on her when she was abducted, and didn’t bring anything with her from the sanatorium.


Sang Ruo shook her head and said calmly: "I’m not registered."


Unsurprisingly, these children will never need ID cards in their lives, and their families do not require them.


Qin Zheng said "tsk", thinking about how the little girl was not in the system. How would they register their marriage in the future?


At the moment, he can only use his ID card to get her a mobile phone number.


After registering, the salesperson put the ID card on the table and Sang Ruo reached out and picked it up.


She had never seen this little card before and was curious about it.


She blinked and saw the words above.


Name: Qin Zheng


Nationality: Han


Age is 26 years old.


Only then did Sang Ruo find out that his surname was Qin.


"Qin Zheng." She called him.


He raised his eyebrows. He hadn't been called by her full name for a long time, and it sounded good. In fact, her voice was so nice that it made his heart itch. He asked: "What's wrong?"


She shook her head and traced her long fingers on Qin Zheng's ID photo.

Qin Zheng knocked on her head: "What are you looking at?"


Sang Rou pointed to his photo: "Long hair."


The photo of him was taken when he was twenty years old. It's not really long, it's just a lot longer than it is now.


The look in the photo is a bit greener, which is much better than the fierce look on his face now.


Qin Zheng glanced at it and let her play with it.


After getting the mobile phone card, he took her to pick out a mobile phone.


The salesperson kept talking about features, but Sang Ruo didn't react at all.


Qin Zheng's own mobile phone was from three years ago, and he had no strong feelings for these electronic gadgets. The salesperson was talking for quite awhile now, so he urged Sang Rou: "You can choose whatever you want."


Sang Rou hesitated for a few seconds and pick one randomly. She was immediately met with the salesperson's disapproval: "Little girl, this phone is not good. The camera quality is too low. You’re so beautiful, why don't you get a better one?"


Sang Rou looked up at Qin Zheng, biting her lip and saying nothing.


The salesperson took a look at them and said: "Oh, sir, just buy this one for your sister. This one has good camera and the most powerful processor. The little girl will definitely like it!"


The little girl looked at him eagerly and breathed out: "——Brother."


"..." Qin Zheng glared at her, feeling that her skill in asking for help was getting better and better.


He asked the salesperson to wrap it up and spoke to her: "You can't call me brother."


Sang Rou said "hmm" and stared at the salesperson's back.


She also had a mobile phone in the sanatorium, but she didn’t choose it herself, it wasn't as good as what Qin Zheng chose.


While the salesperson was occupied, he bent down and whispered to her: "You’re my adopted daughter-in-law. Calling me brother would mess up the hierarchy."


He thought to himself, what should she call him brother? It would be better to call him husband.


Sang Rou lightly covered his mouth and uttered one word: "Itchy."


Qin Zheng looked intently and saw that her earlobes were red, set off by white skin, like a shy little rabbit.


But this girl doesn't know what shyness is, she just looks like one. Qin Zheng touched his nose and said innocently: "I won't tease you anymore."


He himself shouldn't get close to her. His mind was racing as soon as he smelled her scent.

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