The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 40

Chapter 40 - "Why are you so good?"

He did it a bit harshly today, and the two pieces of shellfish were swollen due to the impact. He touched them lovingly, straightened up and held the little girl in his arms.


She was held by him like a child, her face was swollen, and she looked very angry.


Qin Zheng rubbed her butt, kissed her mouth, and sucked her tongue.


Sang Ruo lowered her eyes and let him kiss her obediently.


Qin Zheng's heart melted. He touched her head and said, "Little girl, why are you so good?"


She folded her hands, not hugging him, and her eyes were still red.


He was aware that he had bullied her hard, so he reached out to touch her breasts, and they were indeed very swollen.


He kissed her upper lip apologetically: "l’ll be more gentle next time."


Sang Ruo complained: "It hurts."


Qin Zheng looked at her gently: "I was wrong."


She snorted softly and ignored him.


He made sure she was covered and carried her out of the bathroom.


By chance, they bumped into the naughty couple next door. When the man saw his dark face, he quickly lowered his head and ran away, not even paying attention to his girlfriend.


He frowned and had no time to care about them, so he just carried his girl upstairs.


After coaxing her, he applied medicine on her legs and then took her nipple into his mouth.


He persuaded her to sleep: "Get some rest."


Sang Ruo snorted, put her hands on his shoulders and fell asleep.


After confirming that she was asleep, Qin Zheng let go of her, covered her with the quilt tightly, and then went downstairs to the captive downstairs.


Zhou Manlin was starving. She hadn't eaten since she was taken. When she saw him coming in, she shrank in fear.


Qin Zheng held a cigarette in his mouth without lighting it: "I want to ask you something."


The muscles on his arms showed that he could strangle her to death at any time.


Zhou Manlin lost her arrogance and nodded.


He tore off the tape on her mouth: "What's going on with Sang Rou’s family?"


Sang Ruo doesn’t care but he wanted to know the situation. After all, he had to protect her.


Zhou Manlin trembled: "Her father's company is failing. They want to marry her off to get more money from the Yue family. That's what everyone in the sanatorium said."


Qin Zheng frowned: "What else?"


She said in a trembling voice: "Members of the Sang family came to get her. They were not happy to leave empty handed.”


Qin Zheng's eyes were heavy and he didn't respond to her words.


He didn't say anything, but Zhou Manlin can't help but tell him everything like pouring water: "The Sang family is very cruel, and you’ll be found one day. She’s a cord blood baby. The only reason she was born was to save her sister."


She said this with a bit of pride. After all, although she was an illegitimate daughter, Zhou Li was somewhat sincere to her, unlike Sang Ruo, whose father didn't care for her at all.


Qin Zheng's eyebrows twitched, and he had a bad feeling in his heart: "What do you mean?"


"Her parents wanted her because her sister had leukemia. Later, Sang Min got better and hated her, so she asked her parents to send her away, so she was sent to the sanatorium."


"Now they need her again, so they came to find her."


She spoke lightly, but Qin Zheng's heart was breaking inside for his beautiful girl.


He thought about how she looked indifferent at first and didn't care whether she was kidnapped or not. She sat upright and was prim and proper. He initially thought she wasn't worried because she was sure that her parents would ransom her as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that she didn't have a home or the love of a family.


She grew up fully aware that she was unwanted. She spent most of her sixteen years all alone, like a ghost, surrounded by people but no one to depend on. 

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