The Law of Food Raising - 73

Chapter 73 - Heroic Mother

Samus and Duoduo’s wedding did not invite too many people. Except for members within the manor, the other guests totaled only forty or fifty people. However, their wedding will be broadcasted live around the world through the Light Year Tree.

For the first time, the Rabbit Palace showed its elegance in front of the world. Roads paved with green grass crisscrossed each other, and the roadside was lined with trees and flowers. The brilliant colors sparkled in the sun, just like the goddess of the earth unfolding her beautiful colors. The wings blow through everyone's hearts with the breeze, making people dazzled.

This is undoubtedly extremely impactful for people who have been living in cold cities. The beauty of nature is indescribable.

As pleasant music played, Samus, dressed in black suit, held Duoduo in his arms and walked slowly towards the Thousand Miles tree. Duoduo leaned in his arms, her white gauze dress fluttering in the wind, gently passing through the grass and trees, and scattering stars all over the ground.

As their officiant, Feita smiled and gave them her best wishes.

Under the witness of everyone, Samus leaned over and pressed a kiss on Duoduo's lips. In the rain of flowers, the two made a vow to never be apart.

At that moment, countless people around the world were envious of what they have .

At the end of the ceremony, it should have been time for the banquet, but Samus said at this time: "Thank you everyone for attending our wedding. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a few people to you."

Everyone is wondering, who needs to be introduced at their wedding?

Samus turned to look at Feita, who smiled slightly.

There was a fluctuation in the air, and then a small figure suddenly appeared out of thin air next to Samus. This is a little boy who is only two years old. He is wearing a small suit and stands upright like a little adult.

Everyone looked surprised, and there was a hint of speculation in their hearts.

Sure enough, Samus' next words confirmed their guess: "This is my and Duoduo's first child, Feiyang* (nickname: Sangsang)."

*means to fly

The guests present and other people watching the live broadcast let out soft cheers.

Guze was the only one with a face filled with surprise. Didn’t Duoduo just give birth? Where did such a big child come from? Could it be that one child was already born before this?

After being surprised, everyone expressed their blessings. In this modern era where fertility is gradually decreasing, it is very enviable to have a child.

There were also countless messages of blessing from people online.

"Who said before that the compatibility between Lord Samus and Miss Duoduo is 0? Are you being slapped in the face now?"

"Haha, Lord Samus is so awesome. He gave birth to the child without making a sound. I'm afraid that young lady with a fitness rate of 80% will be disappointed."

"That's not necessarily true. Who doesn't want to have more children? Maybe she still has a chance."




There was ridicule below.

Then someone else raised a question: "Is that child really the child of Lord Samus and Miss Duoduo? Why is his hair pink?"

"Didn't you see Miss Duoduo's test a few days ago? She is probably from a mysterious race, and her genes are naturally different."

"It sounds reasonable."


Before everyone was surprised, another child appeared next to the little boy named "Feiyang". This time it was a girl with light gray hair, about the same age as the boy. She tugged on her tutu and wrinkled her face, quite impatiently.

"This is my second child - Huiyue*." Samus introduced.

*means gray moon

How lucky you are to have more than one child!

Everyone was filled with envy and jealousy, and the network was also in a state of excitement. Twins! so amazing!

Twins? Obviously not.

When the third, fourth, and seventh children appeared one after another, everyone lost their voices.

Seven children lined up in a row, some were nervous, some were curious, some were stern, some were happy, with different expressions, like porcelain dolls, delicate and cute.

"Tell me, I'm me dreaming!" the network exclaimed.

"What a coincidence, I'm also dreaming!"

"Same here."

"This is unscientific! Seven, seven!"

"It looks like they are septuplets."

"Septuplets? How did Duoduo give birth with such a petite figure???"

"What a mysterious race, so amazing!"

"Miss Duoduo, please accept my knee. From now on, you will be my goddess, and I will enshrine your photo!"



While everyone was watching in shock, Samus remained calm. There are only seven, what’s so surprising?

When Dongdong, Nannan, Xixi, Beibei, and Zhongzhong, who were less than 1 year old, appeared, everyone covered their mouths and held their hearts together, looking almost like they were about to faint.

Not all of the twelve rabbits can completely transform. Some of them have exposed ears and tails. They are covered up with special clothes. As long as you don't look carefully, you can basically see no problem.

After Samus introduced all the children, he did not receive a blessing. He only heard someone ask weakly: "Sir, are there any more?" If there are more, could you please summon them all at once? My heart can't stand it anymore.

"No more, just these 12 for now." Samus smiled lightly.

What does "just these 12 for now" mean? Isn’t 12 enough? ! !

Everyone was so beaten that they had blazing flames in their eyes, wishing to burn down this unfair world.

No, they don’t believe it! No matter how one person can give birth, it is impossible for her to give birth to so many children at once! Besides, Duoduo is so petite that she can hardly conceive two at a time, let alone three, five or seven!

But the Thousand Miles tree is right in front of them, and the bloodline proof is clear. Even if it is proven to be false, there is no need to create 12 children to arouse suspicion.

So, how did Duoduo give birth to these children!

Everyone's eyes fell on Duoduo's belly, and they really felt that it was a mysterious realm.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces as if they were about to cut Duoduo into pieces for study, Samus suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He put his arms around Duoduo and held her in his arms, blocking everyone's wolf-like eyes.

"The ceremony is over, please enjoy the food." Feita announced.

The banquet was arranged in the open air, surrounded by green trees and flowers, with beautiful scenery and delicious food, which was extremely comfortable.

However, no one has the appetite now. The impact of twelve children is too great. Comparing the two, they suddenly feel that their life is boring.

"Why are you frustrated?" Suddenly someone said, "The more children Lord Samus has, the better for us, isn't it?"


"In the future, our children can marry Lord Samus' children."

"Huh?!" Yes, marry when you give birth to a daughter, and marry when you give birth to a son, it couldn't be better!

"Emotions should be cultivated from an early age. I will send a letter to my grandson right now!" One person turned on the communicator.

"I have to save these photos of children." One person took out a video camera.

"I'm going to ask Miss Duoduo about her experience in giving birth later."

"Take me with you!"

"I am coming too."

"Why are you joining in the fun as a man!"

"Having a baby is not a one-person affair. Men also need to learn skills."

"We can discuss this."

"Oh? Come on." Several old men immediately gathered together and began to discuss the techniques of getting out of bed...

After the introduction, Samus asked the eldest Yangyang to return to the Rabbit Palace with their younger siblings in his arms. The Rabbit Palace is the private domain of their family, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Although having 12 children is worth showing off, they are different after all and should not have too much contact with outsiders for the time being.

Guze watched helplessly as the children disappeared one by one, then walked up to Samus and Duoduo and said excitedly: "Can you let me be the children's exclusive doctor?"

"No." Samus refused without hesitation.

Guze suddenly felt frustrated. At this moment, a beeping sound suddenly came from his ears.

He took out a small instrument from his pocket and looked at it. Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at Duoduo in disbelief: "Duoduo, are you pregnant again???"

His voice was unmistakable and clearly reached the ears of nearby guests.

What? Pregnant again?

There was a trace of surprise in Samus' eyes, and he looked down at Duoduo, who nodded and said, "Well, it's only been half a month."

The chance of getting pregnant must be a cheat!

Everyone looked at Duoduo with shocked eyes.

"Let me check you and see how many you're carrying this time." Guze volunteered.

Asking this question to anyone else will only make people laugh. The planet has not seen twins or multiple births for hundreds of years, how many more are there? Don't be too greedy as a person, just one is great.

But the person being questioned this time is Duoduo, a legendary mother who has given birth to twelve children! No one will find it inappropriate.

"No, I know, this time there are 4." Duoduo replied casually.

4? 4 more!

With such powerful fertility, this is the rhythm of conquering the world!

After everyone was shocked, they were ecstatic. Great, your children and grandchildren will be blessed in the future! With so many children, the more chances my child has to marry one!

Samus hugged Duoduo and spun around in a circle, laughing.

This wedding was full of surprises (scares) one after another, and the whole world was shocked!

The photos of the little bunnies were reposted again and again. Soon, everyone established a database for them, regularly updating their information and growth records.

Duoduo has become a national idol and is known as the most invincible heroic mother in the world! Some people even actually enshrine her photos to pray for good luck in having children.

In the face of Duoduo's powerful fertility, the light of the two legendary figures Samus and Feita was eclipsed.

Thuran, who was still in the war period, became extremely peaceful because of the appearance of the little rabbits.

The alternation between death and rebirth indicates that a new era is coming

"Samus, I plan to activate the divine revelation." Feita said to Samus.

"I have no objection." As long as there is a large enough network, it is possible.

Feita added: "I plan to activate the divine revelation under the mutant planting network."

"What?" Samus was stunned.

“You and your child have inherited the power of evil and control the power of mutation, which means that you can construct a whole new technological world based on the mutation network.” Feta laughed, “The well-ordered two can only achieve the best balance with such strength, as was the case with Qianli and Chaer back then.”

Samus looked at the dense mutant forest in the distance, his eyes flashing with splendor.

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