The Law of Food Raising - 22

Chapter 22 - Plant Riot

The dozen or so letters sent by Samus to summon the alliance have received responses from seven or eight lords. They sent envoys to Kavos to discuss specific matters. The lords of some territories even came in person just to see the natural plants with their own eyes.

Hua Duo also got Samus' approval. Under the protection of Bai Dong and Wei Chen, she secretly went to see the promotion and cultivation of watercress, lantern leaves, and a small amount of thorn melon and dragon fruit.

Looking at the lush green vegetables and fruits in front of her, Hua Duo suddenly felt a sense of joy in her heart. She ran into the field with open arms, happily absorbing the spiritual energy of the plants. The plants seem to be responding to her call, gently stirring, forming ripples, and the leaves become more vivid and green, extremely beautiful.

Bai Dong and Wei Chen behind her looked at this beautiful scenery and felt relaxed and happy, as if all worries and filth had been washed away. The pink and white figure in the green is as happy and free as an elf, and the whole world becomes open and bright.

"It's no wonder a lot of people are attracted to her." Wei Chen sighed, "This child is so lovable."

Bai Dong muttered: "You are too old for Duoduo, and she is just about right for me."

Wei Chen glanced at him sideways: "If you have the courage, go ahead and compete with our lord."

Bai Dong shut his mouth, and after a moment he said unwillingly: "Duoduo is his adopted daughter, and they cannot be partners according to the law. If he tries to marry her, I guess there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"That's something adults should worry about." Wei Chen said calmly.

After visiting several planting fields, Hua Duo returned to the lord's mansion with satisfaction. At present, several edible plants have emerged and can be transplanted to the experimental field as long as they are cultivated for a while.

The natural plants in Kavos are gradually taking shape, and there will definitely be a bumper harvest next year. Everything is developing in a good direction. Hua Duo can hardly wait to see the beautiful scenery full of flowers, plants and trees in the future.

In the evening, Hua Duo, who had been in high spirits all day, went to bed early, and for the first time, she didn't even dislike Jinbao clinging to her.

Sleeping until midnight, Hua Duo suddenly opened her eyes with a serious expression.

【There are strange changes in the plants in the northeast, please be vigilant! 】

Hearing the warning from the Book of Spiritual Wood, Hua Duo stood up.

On the other side in Xincheng Mansion, Samus and others were still studying the latest trends in the Royal City in the conference room.

"It's strange, two or three months have passed, and there is no movement at all in the Royal City." Bai Dong was puzzled.

"The calmer it is, the more dangerous it is." Chi Xiao frowned, "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Samus pondered: "I also feel that something is wrong. It is impossible for the Jintila family to watch our alliance without doing anything. What are they planning?"

"Whatever, as long as they dare to send troops, we will k*ll them." Utrey said viciously.

Samus was about to say something when his expression suddenly became stunned and he felt a slight vibration coming from the ground.

He looked towards Chi Xiao, who was just like him, with doubts in his eyes.

"Sir, this is bad!" A guard rushed into the conference room and reported, "There is a plant riot in the northeast, and a large number of mutated plants are rapidly spreading to Kavos."

Everyone in the conference room stood up at the same time with frightened expressions.

On the roof of Courtyard No. 1 of the Lord's Mansion, Hua Duo stood facing the northeast. There was a violent atmosphere in the air. For the first time, she felt the malice from the plant. It was like being wrapped in a sticky thing. It was very strange and uncomfortable.

There was a rumbling sound in the distance, like a rolling wave, and large vine branches grew and spread, rushing towards Kavos with flying claws.

At this moment, all the magicians in Kavos felt the turbulence on the ground. They woke up from their sleep and jumped to high places to check the situation.

The isolation zone in the northeast was broken through, and countless vines and roots grew from the ground and walls, intertwining and twisting, tearing everything apart. Flocks of birds flew up in panic, and wild beasts on the ground fled in all directions.

Such a huge movement completely woke up the sleeping city. Noisy sounds came and went, and fear spread quickly like a plague.

Hua Duo thought of the ruins of the city she saw when she first came to this world. She was probably experiencing a plant riot. In the face of this kind of disaster, human beings have limited power and can only choose to escape.

Is she going to witness a disaster with her own eyes this time?

Seeing this scene, Samus quickly ordered: "Chi Xiao, activate the reserved psychic energy and immediately take the civilians into the aerospace ship to take refuge."

"Bai Dong, Utrey, you lead the teams to the east and north respectively, and try to stop the plant invasion as much as possible."

"Although plant riots occur from time to time, when such a large-scale outbreak occurs without warning, it is likely that someone is causing trouble. Rosen, infiltrate the dark side of the forest, find the source, and snipe the enemy. Don't let the situation worsen."

Everyone took orders one after another.

At this time, Beitu's envoy came over and said: "Your Excellency Samus, although Beitu has not signed a formal alliance agreement with Kavos, the decision will not be changed. In the face of such an emergency, we are duty-bound to do whatever it takes. You are free to use me."

Several other envoys responded in the same manner.

"Thank you all for your help." Samus did not refuse and said, "All magic warriors are also invited to join the battle to resist the plant riots."

Samus hurried out of the Xincheng Mansion, threw off his cloak, and leaped directly into the sky without riding his wild beast, rushing towards the Lord's Mansion like a shooting star.

"Duoduo!" Samus shouted anxiously Hua Duo's name.

Wei Chen rushed over and reported back: "Duoduo is still in Courtyard No. 1."

"Why didn't you take her to the aerospace ship as soon as possible?" Samus scolded him coldly as he strode towards Courtyard No. 1.

Wei Chen said nothing. As the supervisor, he must first arrange the deployment of all personnel in the Lord's Mansion, and then personally escort Duoduo to the floating ship. He would not dare to hand her over to others casually.

Entering Courtyard No. 1, the first thing Samus saw was Guze, with Duoduo not far behind him.

"Duoduo." He ducked to Hua Duo, picked her up by the waist, "I'll take you to the ship first. You just stay with Wei Chen and Gu Ze and don't run around."

Hua Duo nodded.

There are a total of four floating ships in Kavos, located in the four directions; north, south, east and west. The Lord's Mansion is close to the east, so Samus sent Duoduo to the east ship.

"Doduo, don't be afraid, I will pick you up soon." Samus put her down, leaned over and kissed her forehead. Then he looked up at Wei Chen and Guze, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Wei Chen and Guze nodded cautiously.

Samus then turned around and left, flying towards the northeast where plants were plundering any sign of life.

"Duoduo, let's go in." Wei Chen said, "The aerospace ship has turned on its orange warning light and the channel will be closed within ten minutes."

Hua Duo followed them into the aerospace ship obediently. They walked through a special passage, so they didn't have to worry about crowding. Kavos' guards were all around.

From the outside, the aerospace ship looks like a central city on a high platform. The passage below leads directly to the top, and the platform above is circular. Various buildings are arranged neatly, and the streets are crisscrossed. It doesn't seem to have anything special. 

Can you avoid plant attacks if you are located in a high location? Hua Duo stood in the lord's exclusive room, looking down through the glass, thinking to herself.

A red alert sounded outside, and with the mechanical beep, the passages were closed one after another, completely isolating the aerospace ship from the outside world.

Then, she saw a silver halo suddenly light up around her, and there was a loud roar in her ears. Hua Duo felt her feet were weightless, as if she were riding an elevator. The scenery outside the glass window was constantly falling, and the entire circular city unexpectedly broke away from the ground, slowly rose into the sky, and finally hovered in the air about two hundred meters above the ground.

Hua Duo secretly exclaimed, it turns out this is the floating ship! Only then did she feel like she was in the technological age.

On the other side, Samus rushed to the north where the situation was more serious, met with Utrey, and led the soldiers to fight against the rioting plants.

There are 4,000 magic warriors in Kavos. They are powerful compared to other territories, but they still feel powerless in the face of large-scale plant riots.

The great thing about mutated plants is not their growth speed, but the various attributes and abilities they possess, such as their poisonous nature. Violent poisons can be divided into poisonous gas, venom, poisonous stems, etc. This type alone is already difficult to guard against, let alone other weird and changeable attack methods.

Samus guessed who's behind this plant riot. They took advantage of the alliance between the major territories and sent people to sneak into the mutant forest to deliberately trigger a plant riot. Mutated plants also have a complete hierarchy. The more advanced the plants, the more territorial they are. When they are attacked, they will order all surrounding plants to attack the intruder.

This is also the reason why humans cannot clean up mutant plants on a large scale. It is said that one move affects the whole body. Some mutant plants are not only powerful, but can also affect the growth of other plants and attack targets in an organized manner.

The Royal City probably took advantage of this and premeditated this disaster. If they continue to attack the advanced mutant plants in the forest, they will eventually bring disaster to Kavos. Samus is hoping that Rosen can successfully snipe the enemy and prevent the riot from expanding.

"D*mn it, the plants have spread to the inner city." Utrey cursed angrily.

Countless vines emerged from the ground, and streets and houses were destroyed one after another.

Samus glanced over there and saw that many mutant plants had grown under the East Ship and North Ship, climbing up the high platform. Although they were unable to leave the ground and attack an altitude of two hundred meters, Samus still felt a little uneasy.

Activating the psychic energy of the aeroplane is Kavos' reserve for several years. If there are no accidents, it will not be a problem to sustain it for three to five days. A few days should be enough to quell this riot.

Samus no longer thought about it and continued to join the battle.

At this moment, several soldiers suddenly shouted from behind.

Samus turned back alertly, and when he saw the scene in the distance, his pupils shrank instantly.

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