The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 63

Chapter 63 - “Prudery again” 

In the evening, they ate at a food stall, and the adults had some wine while two girls drank juice eagerly.


He You poured some for each of them, her face flushed: "Come on, try it."


Qin Zheng covered Sang Rou’s cup and glanced at her: "What are you doing?"


He You rolled her eyes, muttered about her mother-in-law, and then asked Zhou Manlin to drink.


Sang Ruo hugged his arm and blinked at him pleadingly.


Qin Zheng pinched her face: "You can't drink even if you look at me."


She pouted her lips slightly and said: "Qin Zheng..."


Chen Da's eyes widened. He had never heard anyone call him by his first name. They either call him Brother Zheng or Boss.


His brother Zheng responded and even softened his face: "Just a small sip."


He let go of his hand and watched the little girl pick up the cup. She took a careful taste and immediately made a "hiss" sound from the strong alcohol taste.


He smiled gleefully and handed her the coconut milk: "Stop fooling around."


Qin Zheng was busy handing her kebabs and wiping her mouth.


Chen Da couldn't bear to look at him and turned his head. His brother Zheng, whom he had looked up to since he was young, had fallen on the pedestal.


After they had eaten and drank enough, they went back to their rooms to rest, planning to visit various attractions tomorrow.


Qin Zheng and Sang Ruo washed up and he took her out to see the sea near the hotel. He remembered that she liked water.


Sure enough, as soon as she saw the endless sea, she started running.


The sea breeze was cool at night and the waves were crashing towards the shore, so Sang Ruo kicked the water with her bare feet.


She stepped on the soft sand with a smile on her face.


Qin Zheng picked her up when she wasn't paying attention and swung her around in circles. Sang Ruo was spinning like a top, but she wasn't afraid and instead laughed.


When he heard it, he stopped and held her in his arms: "So happy."


The little girl was jumping around happily and asked him to continue: "I've never been this happy."


Qin Zheng lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair, then hugged her and spun her around.


After spinning around a few times, he held her in his arms as if to throw her into the sea. The waves hit her face, and she screamed and laughed.


The two of them were playing around so much that their clothes were soaked.


Qin Zheng wiped the sea water from her face: "Did you have fun? Do you wanna go back?"


Sang Ruo nodded and let him lead her back.


There were no lights in this area. Qin Zheng suddenly felt the little girl hug his arms tightly, and then her face was close to him: "I'm going to the beach every year from now on."


Qin Zheng laughed out loud and pinched her nose: "You love the beach that much?”


He didn't understand what she meant...


Sang Rou hummed softly, but this time she was very straightforward: "I want to come with you every year."


Qin Zheng stopped, his face unclear in the darkness: "Really?"


She said "Yeah" seriously.


The man suddenly knelt down and carried her on his back, the corner of his mouth raised: "Okay."


Sang Rou’s hands hooked around his neck, her head leaned over and kissed his mouth.


She took a lot of initiative today. Qin Zheng felt soft and patted her butt: "Okay, don't make trouble."


What a prude.

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