The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 66

Chapter 66 - "They'll see me" 

Qin Zheng didn't take off her swimsuit, he just rubbed her breasts through the layer of fabric.


Red and white complement each other under the warm light, which is extremely seductive.


He used his fingers to pull down the fabric a little, then lowered his head and took the nipple into his mouth.


He hadn't nursed for a long time, and this time he ate in a hurry. In a short time, the little red dots turned into swollen red beans.


Qin Zheng licked and played with her little butt. He bit the nipple and sucked it tightly without letting go.


Sang Rou said "Uhmmm" and said impatiently: "The other one."


He understood what she meant and put the other breast into his mouth in the same manner, devouring her breast flesh with big mouthfuls.


He couldn't put down her two breasts and wanted to swallow them. Sang Ruo had long been used to it. Her two lotus arms wrapped around his head and allowed him to suck them.


Suddenly, Qin Zheng picked her up and walked a few steps to the French window. Even at night, the city was brightly lit.


Sang Ruo's back was pressed against the floor-to-ceiling window, and it was so cold that she instantly got goosebumps: "They’ll see me."


The man was busy sucking her breasts and said: "You were not afraid of people seeing you on the plane and insisted I kiss you?"


The little girl pushed his head and hummed: "I don't want it."


Her breasts were covered with his saliva and teeth marks. He licked his lower lips and coaxed: "They can't see you from the outside."


He pointed to her swimsuit again: "And you're still wearing clothes."


Now you feel like these fabrics are clothes again.


Sang Ruo only hesitated for two or three seconds, and the man suddenly turned her over again, letting her lean on the glass, with her buttocks facing him.


He took off her panties, couldn't wait to insert his dick into the center of her legs, and then started thrusting in this position.


Her breasts were hanging downward, and Qin Zheng's hands went around from behind to touch them and put them in his hands to play with.


He bumped forward, and Sang Rou’s body was pushed forward, and her head almost hit the glass.


The man released one hand to protect her head, and then quickly inserted it into the seam of her legs.


His speed was so fast that his balls keep hitting her, leaving red marks.


He hit her butt, making a "snap" sound as if she had just been spanked. Only this time the voice was deeper and more lewd.


The man gasped, pinched her waist to make her butt rise more, and then fucked the seam of her legs like a man obsessed.


His shaft slid across the center of her legs, and the precum overflowing from the horse's eye mixed with her fluid, and fell to the ground drop by drop.


Qin Zheng gritted his teeth and suddenly pressed her whole body against the glass. Her breasts were squeezed flat, and her face was pressed against the cold glass.


He bit her ear: "Be patient."


As if it was a reminder, his movements became faster and faster. His huge cock was inserted between the girl's legs, torturing her wantonly.


Her hole began to tighten, and her essence dripped onto his rod. The cock was wet and began to enter her hole.


The goose egg-beaten glans pressed against the tender meat, pried it open a little, and then withdrew again.


He kept poking her like this, and finally managed to get the tip in.


Qin Zheng felt that he was being sucked dry by the tender meat. He gritted his teeth and pulled out, then pressed her down and fucked her hard several times, and ejaculated on her ass.

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