The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 78

Chapter 78 - "Don't run away"

Chen Da heard about Qin Zheng's sterilization for love, and he was stunned: "Brother Zheng, Aunt Wang will break your legs if she finds out!"


Sang Ruo held his hand tightly, feeling a little nervous. She didn't think how his mother would react.


He glared at him: "Don't worry, my mother doesn't care about this."


Young people in their village generally get married early. If his mother really wanted to have grandchildren, she would have pushed for marriage a long time ago.


But she was not in a hurry at all. She had just brought Sang Ruo back, and she knew that the little girl was young and should not be rush to have a baby.


He’d tell her about the sterilization after a few years.


He made up his mind, but Sang Ruo frowned and thought deeply.


Qin Zheng pinched her face: "What are you thinking about?"


She raised her head and asked him seriously: "Am I being selfish?"


She didn't want to have a child, but in the beginning Qin Zheng even wanted to raise her.


He saw through her thoughts at a glance, looked at her, and casually said with a bit of seriousness, "Then we're both selfish."


He, Qin Zheng, never invested in a business he would lose. He wanted to get a sterilization for her. 


Sang Ruo looked at him and saw his eyes getting darker, and said with all her heart: "I will always be with you."


He threatened: "If you don't stay with me, I will break your legs."


She said "hmm".


Qin Zheng was rarely so naughty. Seeing that she was so obedient, he took the opportunity to say, "I'll break your legs if you run away."


This time Sang Ruo laughed: "When you’re eighty or ninety years old, you won’t be able to run as fast as me."


She made a joke, and Qin Zheng knew that she was relieved.


He hugged the person into his arms: "Then you run."


"I’m not running." She shook her head and looked at him with bright eyes.


The two people sitting not far away were disgusted with the dog food they clearly didn’t order, so they sent Zhou Manlin to deliver the news: "They wanted to discuss the matter of returning."


Qin Zheng walked over and was a little surprised: "You want to go back?"


Chen Da caught the word "you" and was surprised again: "Brother Zheng, aren't you going back?"


He patted him on the shoulder: "I'm going to stay here."


Sang Rou likes the sea. Instead of spending a few months every year on vacation, he might as well settle here. What's more, the situation of the Sang family is still unknown, and no one knows what will happen in the future.


Chen Da was stunned: "What about Aunt Wang?"


He touched his chin: "I called her, and she said she was afraid of the heat and would like to stay in her hometown."


Sang Ruo looked up at him and held his hand tightly.


She felt very lucky to have met him, like every thing will be okay as long as she’s with him.


Qin Zheng was secretly proud and held the little girl tightly.


They’ll start a new life here.


(End of text)

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