The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 76

Chapter 76 - "He has to reassure her" 

Sang Rou was so confused that she sat on the carpet with her cell phone on the bedside table.


The interface above is the chat box between her and Qin Zheng, and the last message was more than ten days ago.


They haven't been apart much, they always stick together, and they don't use chat software much.


She was staring at the keyboard now, refining her words to ask him in her head.


Where are you?


Come back soon?


It's all strange, nothing like her.


Sang Ruo sighed and laid on the bed, looking at his name in a daze.


She always does things as she pleases, but this is the first time she's so entangled today.


At this time, a video call suddenly popped up on the other end. Sang Rou’s heart was lifted and she couldn't wait to press accept.


Qin Zheng appeared on the screen. He didn't think about things as much as Sang Ruo did. He also had the intention to joke: "Answer in seconds, are you thinking of me?"


Sang Rou tilted her head and stared at his background. He was in a hospital: "I miss you."


When she opened her mouth, she realized that she was crying heavily.


Qin Zheng naturally heard it. He was a little panicked and asked her nervously: "What's wrong?"


She shook her head and bit her lip: "Where are you? I miss you."


The little girl was as pitiful as a little rabbit that no one loved, her tone was aggrieved, and her eyes were still shining with tears.


He felt extremely distressed and wished he could go back immediately, but it happened to be his turn——


"No. 16, Qin Zheng."


He raised his head and said: "Coming."


Qin Zheng coaxed her: "Be good, I'll go back in an hour or two. Don't cry, I miss you too."


Before Sang Rou could say anything, he hung up the video in a hurry.


The interface changed back to their chat box. She grabbed her phone and decided to go find him.


The address of the person involved can be deduced from just one photo. After doing a quick search, she found out that there’s only one hospital in the area.


She has a good memory and went out after searching.


When Qin Zheng was helped out of the operating room by the nurse, he saw Sang Ruo sitting on the stool.


As soon as she saw him, she stood up nervously, frowning and looking at him in confusion.


Qin Zheng waved to her: "Come here."


She moved over, took his other hand, and pursed her lips without saying a word.


The nurse left when he saw family he has someone to take care of him. Anyway, it was only a minimally invasive surgery. He would stay in the hospital for observation for half an hour and then he could leave.


Qin Zheng scratched her nose: "Don't you miss me? Why aren’t you talking to me?"


Sang Rou stared at the ground and said: "Why...are you doing this?"


She was so smart that it only took her an hour to find this hospital and Qin Zheng's department. At that time, he was just doing preoperative examinations.


He smiled and said nonchalantly: "It's just good that you don't need to wear a condom."


She held his hand, her eyes a little sore: "You should have asked me to come with you."


Qin Zheng stopped, turned around to face her, and touched her head: "It's just a minor operation, don’t worry about it, okay?"


Seeing that she still pursed her lips and looked unhappy, he hugged her and said, "I don't want children either. I'll be exhausted raising you alone."


She hugged his waist and pressed her face against his chest, with tears in her eyes.


He couldn’t give her the life she deserved, but he could give her this. She never had a say in almost everything in her life. She had to donate bone marrow at a very young age for her sister and didn’t have a choice when they decided to send her away.


He had to reassure her that he would support her in whatever decision she made. It’s her body, and she should get to decide.


As for children, Qin Zheng doesn't need them.

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