The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 70

Chapter 70 - "It's boring if you don't play"

The next day, they all drove to the beach to go surfing.


They were all first timers, so they let the coach teach them the basics and then started playing on their own.


Only Qin Zheng stayed on shore while holding on to his surfboard.


Sang Rou stood in the sea, the depth was no more than her waist. She was waiting for him: "Come on."


The man said expressionlessly: "Go ahead."


He didn’t want to say that he actually can't swim.


His father died young so no one really thought him how to properly swim. He almost drowned when he was around twelve or thirteen, and since then he hadn’t been in the deep water.


In fact, it was Sang Rou who made him stepped back in the water when they visited his mother.


The sea here is deep and the waves are big. If he goes surfing without knowing how to swim, isn't he looking for death?


Sang Rou pursed her lips: "Come with me."


Qin Zheng wanted to save face, so he just said: "Go ahead, I'll watch you from the shore."


The girl stared at him for a while, then turned around and lay on the board angrily, paddling with her little hands, and slowly floated away.


He folded his arms and looked at her. He saw her standing up tremblingly, and then the waves crashed over her. His heart almost rose to his throat, and he saw her move with the waves.


She’s smart and can learn everything quickly, including surfing.


She’s like a small fish swimming freely in the deep blue sea.


He kept his eyes on her, worried about her.


Suddenly, a hand with exquisite manicure waved in front of him. Qin Zheng came back to his senses and found that it was a woman in her late twenties or early thirties.


The woman smiled ambiguously and stuffed a business card into his swimming trunks: "Hey handsome! Do you want to go out with me?"


Qin Zheng had a dark face and was about to refuse when he saw the little girl holding the board and looking at him behind the woman, her brows furrowed tightly.


Like a reflex, he jumped to the side very quickly, then took out the business card, tore it into pieces and threw it into the sea water behind him.

The whole process is a bit ridiculous.


Before the woman could react, she heard him say coldly: "No."


Immediately afterwards, the man strode over, held the surfboard for her, and wiped the water from her cheeks: "Are you tired?"


The little girl glanced at him up and down and said calmly, "You’re flirting."


"..." Qin Zheng died unjustly. He didn't like that flirtatious woman in the first place.


He shook his head: "No, she asked me if I wanted to take her out, but I refused."


Sang Rou said "Oh" and walked towards the resting place: "What does she want to do?"


"She just probably want to hook up ."


After sitting under the umbrella for quite awhile, she said, "Someone also asked me out when I was surfing."


Qin Zheng almost jumped up. He gritted his teeth and said, "You agreed?"


After all, she didn't know what it meant.


Sang Rou shook her head: "No, he was terrible at surfing, and then he disappeared."


Qin Zheng hesitated for a moment, feeling a little guilty inexplicably. Not to mention surfing, he couldn't even swim.


She stretched and squinted: "Let’s go back to the hotel."


"No more fun?" he asked.


She turned her eyes to look at him and replied, "It's boring if you don't play."


Qin Zheng raised his hand and rubbed her head.

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