The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 57

Chapter 57 - "She even hurt me"

Qin Zheng slept with Sang Ruo at nights, and was busy with other things during the day with Chen Da and others.


Sang Rou didn't like to go out much, and Zhou Manlin figured out that she tricked her again. She wanted to get back at her but Qin Zheng threatened her and was forced to visit the Sang’s mansion to accompany Sang Rou.


Sang Huai was happy to see Zhou Manlin everyday. He feels like he's now connected to the Zhou family.


They were living in peace until Sang Min returned. As soon as she entered the door, she threw her bag at Sang Ruo who was sitting on the sofa: "Get out!"


This frightened Zhou Manlin, but Sang Ruo was familiar with her sister’s tantrums. She casually lifted the pillow in her lap and Sang Min’s expensive bag fell on the floor.


There was anger in the woman's eyes, and she was about to step forward and beat her like a madman.


Sang Huai grabbed her and calmed her down: "Minmin, what are you doing? This is your sister."


"Sister? I don’t have a sister." Sang Min said disdainfully. In her eyes, if she hadn't been sick, Sang Ruo would never have been born.


"Without me, you would be dead." Sang Rou stared at her expressionlessly.


Sang Min was shaking with anger. She was restrained by her father. She was kicking and screaming profanities: "Bitch! How dare you come back to our house?! You shouldn't exist in the first place! We don’t need you anymore."


Sang Ruo didn't care at all. She stood up and said calmly: "I'm going back to my room."


Zhou Manlin was trembling on the side, fearing that she would be caught in the crossfire. Seeing this, she quickly said goodbye: "I'm leaving first. My dad wants me to do something."


Zhou Li was out of town. He hasn't shown up for more than ten days. The Zhou's house is about to become the world of those two bandits. She doesn't want to go back, but Sang Min, this crazy woman, is too scary.


Sang Huai held his eldest daughter, panting from exhaustion. He regretted it extremely. It would be better if Sang Ruo stayed in another house than to irritate Sang Min.


She yelled at her father hysterically: "Why did you take her back? You want to replace me, don’t you?!"


Sang Huai sighed and comforted her: "No, Min Min, she will leave soon."




Qin Zheng had already learned what happened from Zhou Manlin. She described Sang Min as extremely terrifying and vividly described the scene where she threw her bag and went crazy.


He decided to take Sang Rou, fearing that the woman would go crazy and hurt her.


Sang Ruo rejected him: "I won't leave."


Qin Zheng was shocked: "What?"


She was serious: "She won't let me go."


He felt bad for her. Although she was born to save her sister, her family failed to show her the affection she so richly deserved.


Sang Ruo leaned against him and closed her eyes.


She didn't want to leave, Sang Min would just cause more problem.


She raised her hand and put her thin wrist in front of his eyes: "She hurt me."


Her face was not red, her heart was not beating, and what she said was half true and half false. Sang Min didn't touch her, but she twisted her wrist when she moved the pillow.


Qin Zheng suppressed a smile. He had heard Zhou Manlin say that it was a near miss, and thought it was very cute that the little girl would pretend to be pitiful.


He held her wrist, rubbed it, and kissed her: "It won't hurt if I rub it."

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