The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 49

Chapter 49 - "My Wife"

After the meal, Qin Zheng took her for a walk in the village. The people he met on the road were all old people staying at home, and there were only a few young people looking after the elders.


When they saw him, they always had smiles on their faces: "Zhengzi, you're home."


Qin Zheng also smiled, and was asked who Sang Ruo was. He looked at the little girl with a pale face next to him, and said proudly "My wife."


After they left, she held his hand and said, "Should we invite them to the wedding?"


Qin Zheng can’t help his smile from getting bigger. He was elated that she was already thinking about the wedding.


He said leisurely: "It’s all up to you. If you want to have a wedding, invite them. If you don't want to, we can find a restaurant to treat everyone to a meal after."


Naturally, he also knew her temperament, which was cold and aloof. If having a wedding made her uncomfortable, it would be better not to do it.


Sang Ruo nodded, with a hint of confusion in her eyes, and began to ask him who would be the bridesmaid since she had no friends.


Qin Zheng replied with a bit of humor: "Don’t worry. We can just rent a bridesmaid."


He had never felt much about wedding dresses and suits, but he thought that if she wore one, she would look stunning.


After walking for almost an hour, he noticed Sang Rou scratching her legs.


There are many mosquitoes in the countryside, and their bites are nothing like the city. She had more than a dozen large and small bumps on her legs.


He brought her back and helped her apply some ointment: "Why are you so delicate?"


Sang Ruo put her head on her knees and watched him apply the cream.


Her hand went to scratch her arm. After Qin Zheng finished working on her legs, he realized that she had some bites in her arms too.


He captured her wrist and said with a tigerish face, "Stop scratching! You’re gonna get scars."


She moved uncomfortably and muttered: "It's itchy."


He had no choice but to hold her in his arms with one hand and fan her with the other.


The weather in June was extremely hot, and they were pressed together again. Qin Zheng was covered in sweat, which made Sang Ruo push him: "You’re so sticky."


She meant that he was too sticky due to sweat, but Qin Zheng deliberately misunderstood: "If you don’t want to sleep with me just tell me. Now you dislike me again, you little white-eyed wolf."


She blinked twice, and pressed herself against him helplessly, her long eyelashes brushing at the hollow of his neck.


Sang Rou closed her eyes and heard him say in her ear: "Do you want to buy a new house? Or renovate the second floor of our house?"


"Do you want to do a traditional Chinese wedding or Western? Do you want to wear red or something else?"


He muttered, and all the hot air sprayed on her face. She raised her head and said righteously: "I’ll think about it later, let's go to sleep first."


Qin Zheng stopped talking and stroked her back, letting her sleep.


The two stayed in the countryside for three days until Chen Da called and said that a computer company came to discuss business with Qin Zheng. They had been unable to contact him for several days and asked him to come back quickly.


Only then did he remember that he had turned off his work phone in order to focus on giving Sang Rou a good vacation.


Before leaving, his mother was half-threatening: "If you don't come back during the New Year, I'll have a good harvest for you."


He didn’t want to promise anything but his mother glanced at Sang Ruo: "Make sure she comes too."


Sang Rou replied obediently: "Okay, Auntie."

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