The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 36

Chapter 36 - "Little Slut"

Suddenly there was a commotion in the next cubicle.


The men's and women's restrooms are in the same room, and a voice can be heard from the ventilated window: "Little slut, how long have you been thinking about this?"


The man panted rapidly, regardless of whether there was anyone around, his voice was loud.


This was followed by a "slapping" sound of impact, echoing in the empty space.


Sang Ruo blinked and looked up at Qin Zheng.


Qin Zheng's face turned dark, but his heart was still melting. He finally got her to open up to him, but the moment was destroyed by this hooligan. How could he not be angry?


He coughed lightly and was about to speak up when the woman next door screamed loudly: "Ahhhhhhhh——"


They were doing it very intensely, and the sound of water hitting could clearly be heard, and the man even said dirty words from time to time.


"Do you feel good when I fuck you?"


"Ah? Little cunt, why are you clamping me so tightly? Do you want to be fucked to death?"


He seemed to raise his hand and slapped the woman twice, until she cried and begged him.


The obscene words were too exciting, Qin Zheng covered her ears and wanted to take her out.


Sang Ruo raised her head and asked doubtfully: "What’s a little cunt?"


There was confusion in her eyes, and her face was full of curiosity.


She knows what "little slut" means, but the word "cunt" was something she had never heard of before.


Qin Zheng's body froze, he turned his eyes away from her and whispered, "It's the vagina."


Sang Rou said "Oh", and just when he relaxed and was about to take her away, she asked again: "What do they call the penis?"


In front of this little girl who was as blank as a piece of paper, he felt a little panicked. He could only calm down and say hesitantly: "...Dick."


He was inexplicably embarrassed and wanted to take her away quickly, but Sang Ruo opened her lips lightly and calmly said, "Little slut?"


"..." Qin Zheng staggered. His big hand covered her mouth where she was talking nonsense, and he whispered to her, "Don't say that."


The hot breath from her mouth sprayed on his palm: "Why?"


He pulled his hand back a little, worried for the first time about her inquisitive mind: "Girls shouldn’t say dirty words."


Sang Ruo confronted him: "Boys can say them."


Qin Zheng was forced to give up, and felt that it was difficult to take care of children: "Others are other people, let's not talk about it, be good."


She remained silent this time because a new word came from the other end——

"Do you feel comfortable being fucked by your brother's big cock?"


"It's so cool..."


"Slut! Lick my dick, and I'll cum in your mouth!"


The woman hummed and was obviously licking.


Sang Ruo raised her head and was about to ask something. Qin Zheng covered her mouth in advance and laughed dryly: "Let's go. It's not kind to listen to other people's work."


In fact, he had made up his mind to check the corridor surveillance later and drive out the couple who were messing around on his property!


Sang Ruo lowered her eyes and did not move.


Qin Zheng followed her line of sight and saw that there was a tent on his pants, which was touching the little girl's waist.


He suddenly let go of her and took a step back. His neck and ears turned red.


Qin Zheng felt embarrassed. He wasn't hard because of the couple, but because of Sang Ruo's soft and tender meat and fragrance.


Sang Ruo took two steps closer and pointed at his crotch: "Little slut."


"..." Damn it.




Sang Rou: Why are you embarrassed? Don’t be shy.

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