The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 30

Chapter 30 - "I know where he is"

Chen Da lost all his money, his car repair shop was used to pay off debts, and like He You, he lived in one of the private room in the internet cafe.


With two more people helping the store, Qin Zheng felt a lot more relaxed. He always felt he was making Sang Rou work too hard .


That day, when he came back from moving a new computer, he saw Sang Ruo standing at the front desk cashing out, and asked her, "Where are they?"


Sang Ruo pointed outside: "Sister He You said she wanted to discuss something in private with Chen Da."


Qin Zheng noticed that the way she calls He You “sister” was getting more and more intimate, and he felt a little sour: "Why do you call her so nice?"


I never heard her calling me Brother Qin Zheng.


Sang Rou blinked: "Last time, you said I shouldn’t call you brother."


Indeed, last time at the mobile phone store, he did say she shouldn’t call him brother.


Qin Zheng pinched her face: "You can call me brother when we’re alone."


"Brother." She said politely.


At this time, a young man came over to pay the bill, squinted his eyes and smiled: "Xiao Sang, please calculate my fee on the 26th."


Sang Ruo looked at the computer and quoted the numbers for him to transfer the money.


The boy looked at her reluctantly, as if he had something to say, but due to the presence of Qin Zheng, he could only turn around and leave.


Qin Zheng turned his head and looked at the internet cafe, which was almost full. He frowned. Since the two girls arrived, there were more and more people.


He stood aside and watched her count the money and asked, "Why did he call you Xiao Sang?"


Sang Ruo didn't even raise her head: "They thought of it themselves."


He accurately caught the "they" in her words, with anger in his voice: "They all call you that?!"


A bunch of little brats, she didn't even scream affectionately when he was giving her pleasure.


She said "hmm".


Qin Zheng wrapped his hand around her waist: "Then I’ll also call you Xiao Sang."


Sang Ruo frowned and faced him, refusing very quickly: "No."


Qin Zheng said with a dark face, "You don't want me to?"


"It doesn't sound good." She shook her head, "I don't like you calling me Xiao Sang."


She hates her last name.


Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and whispered to her: "Then, just like last time, can I call you my good girl'?"


She responded obediently, thinking of the nonsense the two had in the warehouse last time, and was slightly in a trance.


At this time, He You came in from the outside, angry.


Chen Da followed her, shrinking his neck and looking completely dejected.


He You rushed to them and said to Qin Zheng, "I'll give you a share of the money, if you can help me kidnap Zhou Li."


Zhou Li is her ex-husband.


The man sneered: "You have money?"


Chen Da came up and said, "Don't even think about it. There are so many people around Zhou Li. How can we possibly tie him up?"


The last time he kidnapped Zhou Manlin to scare off the enemy, Zhou Li added five or six more bodyguards around him, for fear that something would happen to him.


He You gritted her teeth and said, "Tie him up for fifty cents."


She was so mad she couldn't breathe. She was married to Zhou Li for three years, but she hadn’t reaped any benefits. He had taken back all the cars and properties in her name.


Qin Zheng crossed his arms and leaned lazily on the back of the chair: "Not interested."


On the one hand, he was not short of money; on the other hand, if he kidnap Zhou Li, Sang Rou might get involved, so he didn't want to wade into troubled waters.


He You swallowed her pride and begged: "You just need to help us find him."


He was very good at hiding. She and Chen Da tried locating him for several days but couldn't find him at all.


Before Qin Zheng could say anything, Sang Ruo had already said calmly: "I know where he is."

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