The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 27

Chapter 27 - "I'll just lick it"

Qin Zheng took out his hand, looked at the sticky fluid on his hand, and put it in front of her with interest: "Smell it, what does it smell like?"


Sang Ruo's face turned pink and she turned her head away from him.


He didn't mind and pressed on: "You don't have to have sex to get pleasure. Look at how happy you are right now."


He used his fingers to fuck her little pussy, which made her squirt a lot.


Sang Ruo snorted and retorted: "But you still performed the thrusting action."


He raised his eyebrows, feeling that the girl was a little unconvinced. He lifted up her skirt and stared at her soaked underwear: "I can make you feel good even without penetration."


His dangerous tone made Sang Ruo feel wary, and she kicked him on the shoulder: "No."


Qin Zheng raised the corners of his mouth, pulled off her underwear, then grabbed her ankles with both hands, and lowered his head to observe her tender pussy.


Her pubic hair was sparse, and it was slightly curled against her fair skin. The two pink and tender labia were opened because they had been ravaged by him, revealing the small core inside.


The little hole was open, trembling slightly because of his gaze, and spitting juices out.


The man leaned down as if he was fascinated, his mouth was only a few centimeters away from her hole, and his eyes were fixed on her hole.


His voice reached her ears: "Don't be afraid, I'll just lick it."


As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his tongue and licked the tender flesh.


Sang Rou’s legs couldn't move and she struggled feebly in his hands. Her ears rang and she began to pant slightly.


He dipped his fingers into her vaginal fluid and licked it, feeling a sweet taste for no reason. He immediately took her vagina into his mouth and licked it deliciously.


Qin Zheng didn't stick his tongue in. He followed her instruction of "no thrusting" and bit the flesh at her hole.


Even so, the water flowed more and more, almost soaking his chin.


His nose pressed against her nub, and he felt the nugget trembling. Qin Zheng began to rub her nub with the tip of his nose.


"Stoppp -" Sang Rou whimpered, straightened up and pushed his head with both hands.


The man took a deep breath, raised his head and said evilly: "It's not dirty, I brushed my teeth."


She shook her head, her eyes filled with mist: "I can’t feel my legs."


He let go of her ankles, and sure enough he saw her falling stiffly on the table, looking drained.


Qin Zheng massaged her thigh, and when she recovered a little, he lowered his head to eat the hole, and said vaguely: "Don't kick me again."


She stopped kicking and clamped his head tightly between her thighs, feeling the man's rough tongue licking her lips and core one by one.


He sucked the soft flesh, holding the bean in his mouth and grinding it with his teeth.


With Qin Zheng’s slurping noise, Sang Rou cried: "Oh..."


Qin Zheng was afraid that others would hear, so he put two fingers into her mouth and coaxed her: "Be good, don't cry."


He licked the bean that had been hard from the beginning soothingly, and moved his lips and tongue downward to suck the soft flesh of her hole.


There were tears in the corners of Sang Ruo's eyes, looking so pitiful, making him want to bully her more. She placed her two small hands feebly on his head.


Qin Zheng's tongue slowly sank into her hole, and then suddenly withdrew again, remembering what she had just said, and he only tasted her hole briefly.


It was the first time that the little girl was licked, and her tender pussy soon shivered and was so sensitive. Qin Zheng saw the right moment and turned to the flower core to take a sip, poking it with the tip of his tongue.


Sang Rou closed bit Qin Zheng’s fingers.


Qin Zheng hissed, holding her tongue to let her go.


She loosened her mouth and held his hand in her mouth in confusion. He took the opportunity to stir her mouth and grind her little beans again——


The girl's body was shaking and more honey came out of her.

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