The Male Protagonist Kidnapped the Wrong Person - 24

Chapter 24 - "That was sex"

Sang Ruo thinks that internet cafes are not that fun.


She and Qin Zheng sat side by side, watching boredly as he greeted the guests and then collected the money, repeating the same process.


The customers who came and went were very surprised, thinking when did Brother Zheng find such a beautiful sister to work as a cashier.


Qin Zheng was beside her, feeling a little regretful about taking her out. All of their eyes were glued to her.


He could only say with a dark face: “If you dare to bully her, I won't spare you."


He also wanted to show their relationship, but he was afraid that these young people who have no filter would make fun of her.


He made his customers put out their cigarettes: "Smoking is prohibited here from now on."


Several teenagers cried out: "Brother Zheng, don't do this to us!"


Qin Zheng glanced over coldly: "If you don't want to, just go to another Internet cafe."


The environment of his Internet cafe is good and the configuration is first-class. They really don't want to change.


They didn’t have a choice but to put out their cigarettes.


Qin Zheng felt relieved now. How could he let the little girl breathe secondhand smoke?


Sang Rou remained quiet the whole time. He gave her his mobile phone to play with, and then he was busy repairing the broken machines, leaving her to sit and collect money.


After a while, Qin Zheng saw her walking around the store. He thought she might be a little bored, so he decided that he'll take her outside to have some fun tonight.


An hour later, he saw Sang Ruo standing next to a machine, as if she was fascinated by something.


He quietly walked over and saw a naked man and woman intertwined on a screen, all covered in white.


Qin Zheng's mind was shaken, and he looked down stiffly. The engrossed boy's hand was rising and falling in his crotch——


He covered Sang Rou’s eyes, turned her sideways, and then turned off the computer's power directly, saying in a serious tone: "Are you watching porn in my store?"


The boy who was looking at him so excitedly shivered in fright, and his cock softened.


He turned around and complained: "Brother Zheng, who said we can't watch movies in internet cafes?"


Qin Zheng sneered: "Get out."


He has always been a boss who knows how to get things done. Most of the customers around him who use his computers a lot are now his friends. There are a few minors who play well with him. He also occasionally turns on a computer when he wants to surf the internet.


Who would have thought that this little bastard was watching porn here, and that Sang Ruo would see him masturbating live?!


The boy smiled apologetically and saw the little girl behind him with his sharp eyes. He shouted, "Brother Zheng, she came here by herself. It's not my fault!"


Qin Zheng's brows were filled with impatience, and he said in a deep voice: "Get out, don't let me repeat myself again."


The boy looked at his strong body, shrank his neck and left.


Qin Zheng grabbed Sang Ruo's collar and carried her back to the front desk like a chicken. He scolded her with a sullen face: "What were you looking at?"


The little girl raised her eyes, but there was no fear or panic in them. She remained calm like nothing happened: "I know."


"What-" Qin Zheng frowned.


"That's sex, I know." Sang Rou said.


His face was furious, but in fact he was a little dumbfounded: "Someone taught you about sex?"


Do teachers in sanatorium let their students watch pornographic movies?


She shook her head, her eyes clear: "What they did was making love, and their movements were thrusting, but I've never seen it before, so I was curious."


She was so serious and talked about the sexual intercourse between men and women without any eroticism. However, Qin Zheng's eyes gradually deepened and his carnal desires were roaring to be let out after listening to her words.




Brother Zheng: I quit smoking for my wife, and no one else is allowed to smoke, hehe.


Female Goose: I’m giving you some serious sex knowledge, but all you’re thinking about is: When would it be my turn?

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