
The Law of Food Raising - 75

Chapter 75 - Extra 1 "Duoduo, let's go on our honeymoon." Samus suggested. "Okay!" Duoduo nodded, her eyes shining. At this time, a little head came out of Duoduo's arms, grabbed her clothes, and looked at Samus with a pair of expectant eyes, which clearly said: I will go too, I will go too! Before Samus could say anything, one after another, like bouncing balls, the little rabbits popped up from unknown corners one after another and piled up next to Duoduo. Duoduo said: "What do you think, if we take them all on our honeymoon..." "Don't even think about it." Samus' face turned dark. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to go on the road with forty or fifty little rabbits. The scene shouldn't be too romantic. When the little rabbits heard this, they all looked at Samus with sad eyes. The feeling of being stared at by hundreds of little eyes is... beyond words. But you can't be soft-hearted at this time. Samus said

The Law of Food Raising - 74

Chapter 74 - Ancestor Three years later, Samus succeeded in obtaining the recognition of the mutant Thousand Miles Tree and began to build a technological network. However, he is currently the only one who can control mutant plants, and the progress is relatively slow, and a few small rabbits are only as a supplement for the time being. In order to distinguish between the cultivated Thousand Miles Tree and the mutated one, Samus renamed the latter "Panmu*", called the second planting network built by "Panmu" "Pan-net", and then called the field of mutant plants the "Pan Realm". *槃木 (pánmù) means nirvana wood and Pan is Samus' last name Under the vast night sky, the trees emitted a strange light in the darkness, flickering on and off, as if a black dragon had just awakened and was blinking its huge eyes. There were three people standing under the tree, Samus, Feita and Duoduo. Samus and Feita operate their powers at the same time, one connecti

The Law of Food Raising - 73

Chapter 73 - Heroic Mother Samus and Duoduo’s wedding did not invite too many people. Except for members within the manor, the other guests totaled only forty or fifty people. However, their wedding will be broadcasted live around the world through the Light Year Tree. For the first time, the Rabbit Palace showed its elegance in front of the world. Roads paved with green grass crisscrossed each other, and the roadside was lined with trees and flowers. The brilliant colors sparkled in the sun, just like the goddess of the earth unfolding her beautiful colors. The wings blow through everyone's hearts with the breeze, making people dazzled. This is undoubtedly extremely impactful for people who have been living in cold cities. The beauty of nature is indescribable. As pleasant music played, Samus, dressed in black suit, held Duoduo in his arms and walked slowly towards the Thousand Miles tree. Duoduo leaned in his arms, her white gauze dress fluttering in the wind, gently passing thro

The Law of Food Raising - 72

Chapter 72 - Fitness is 0 When Samus found Duoduo, she was browsing posts about marriage proposals on the network. 【…The number of applicants currently exceeds 3,000! 】Seeing this sentence accidentally, Samus couldn't help but feel a black line. He sat next to Duoduo, hugged her in his arms, and whispered, "What's so good about this?" "You are quite popular, many people want to marry you." Duoduo bent her knees, stepped on Samus' lap, found a comfortable position for herself, and nestled softly. "What about you? Do you want to marry me?" Samus looked at her. If it were an ordinary human woman, she would definitely be irritable when hearing this question from Samus. She has already given birth to dozens of children, but he still dares to ask this question. Someone who knows the situation will quickly propose and get married. Ask if you want to get married. Are you looking for an opportunity? Duoduo glanced at him lightly and said, "If you w

The Law of Food Raising - 71

Chapter 71 - Pass Duoduo couldn't believe it. How could she give birth to children with demonic energy? Her spiritual energy and demonic energy are opposites, and she should be aware of it in the early stages of pregnancy. Even she herself will be in danger, let alone a smooth delivery. At this time, the stagnant plants behind them began to move again. The abilities of the five little rabbits are still not strong enough and can only last for a short time. Just as Duoduo was about to transfer them, there was a burst of energy fluctuations in the air, and then a tall figure appeared in front of Duoduo. "Samus!" Duoduo was overjoyed. Samus received Feita's message. He first gave Duoduo a reassuring look, then took a step forward, raised his arms, and swept the huge energy towards the rioting plants. The energy of the five little rabbits all converged into the torrent like a small river. Under the guidance of Samus, it merged into the roots of the mutated plants, controll

The Law of Food Raising - 70

Chapter 70 - Comprehensive counterattack When the three returned to the manor, the group of people were still searching relentlessly, and several people had gone crazy and started killing each other. "Duoduo, you take Feita back first." Samus stood still on the spot, his sleeves moved slightly, and he was full of momentum. Duoduo nodded, and with a slight movement of her body, she disappeared into the woods, and Feita followed closely. He is the essence of the World Tree, and the location of the Thousand Miles Tree is like a beacon. He does not need Duoduo to lead the way, and he can accurately find its location. The closer he gets, the stronger the familiar scent becomes. Thousand Miles Tree, they merged again. Feita looked at the Thousand Miles Tree, who was only five meters tall. Although it was young, it was full of vitality. Duoduo squatted beside the tree and looked at Feita curiously, feeling that the aura on his body became a little different. At this time, a little r

The Law of Food Raising - 69

Chapter 69 - Identity Two In fact, Samus does not want to get involved in the disputes within the Oya family. If they need help, he is willing to provide corresponding help within his ability. However, the representatives sent by the Oya family this time really failed to succeed. For his own benefit, he did not hesitate to harm the interests of the entire Oya family, tearing Kavos' originally strong foundation into pieces. "Samus, the family has given you so much. As long as you still have a little conscience, you should know how to repay the kindness." Bronn raised his chin and said, "Leave Duoduo behind and leave Kavos. Never take another step here." "Bronn!" Della and others glared at him angrily. Samus was not angry. He used to be like a ball of flames, majestic and domineering, but now he is less aggressive and more calm. "Bronn, you are not qualified to drive me away." Samus said calmly, "What I want to do has nothing to do with yo

The Law of Food Raising - 68

Chapter 68 - Identity 1 Duoduo discovered that there was something wrong with her second litter of little rabbits. Although they also carried spiritual energy, they could not breed natural plants. They run around wildly with their older brothers and sisters every day, doing nothing but eating. Duoduo once suspected that she had given birth to defective babies. She caught them and guided them one by one to cultivate natural plants. As a result, they either mutated or died. Normally, no plant could survive under their claws. How is this happening? "Do my babies have the ability?" Duoduo was melancholy. "It's okay." Samus patted Duoduo's head and comforted, "Maybe they just take a long time to adapt, so don't worry. Besides, even if there's really a problem, we can afford to raise them, so we can teach them slowly." The five little rabbits seemed to have noticed something, and were extremely depressed. "What's wrong with the little gu

The Law of Food Raising - 67

Chapter 67 - Awakening Signs The Thousand Miles Tree has a vigorous vitality that is unmatched by any plant. The strange thing is that it has such a high level but does not produce intelligence. Duoduo and the little rabbits gathered around it, carefully sensing its changes. "Yangyang, take your younger brothers and sisters and stand aside." Duoduo ordered. The pink eldest brother Yangyang moved his ears and jumped to the side silently. The other little rabbits followed him one by one. Yangyang is usually taciturn and spends most of his time sleeping, but as long as he is awake, other little rabbits dare not act recklessly in front of him. Duoduo concentrated her energy and slowly directed her spiritual energy towards the Thousand Miles Tree. The branches are shining with a faint light, and lines are flowing through them. They look like the Milky Way in the night, which is really beautiful. Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, the huge root system began to grow, goi