
The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 20

 Chapter 20 "He Yuan, are you really okay?" Wang Tong walked beside him, reaching out to help him. He Yuan gave a grunt and looked straight ahead, not wandering as he walked. Wang Tong was relieved when she saw this. She walked beside him and slowly said, "You won the game today, and I don't think I even said congratulations to you... Well, you were amazing today." Jian Yan, walking in front, paused slightly after hearing these words. Another voice came from behind, it was He Yuan. “Do better next time, I'll be waiting for you in the interview area.” “En.” "He Yuan, if you win the next game, can I tell you something?" “En......” “Or, I can tell you now.” Jian Yan's ears extended. "One more drink, Maomao, one more drink!" Jian Boyi's high-decibel voice suddenly came to her ears. The sound behind her was covered, and she didn't hear a word. Jian Yan slapped Jian Boyi on the back of the head with her backhand, "Quiet!"

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 19

Chapter 19 Colorful lights danced in the huge box. The moment Jian Yan stepped in, she realized that there were more than just people from the DSG team here. The bar, the small dance floor, the sofa ...... Some people are singing, some people are drinking, and some people blindly wander around. Jian Yan pursed her lips and looked for Maomao's figure. Suddenly, someone tapped her on the shoulder from behind. After a brief pause, she turned around. The man standing behind her was very tall, and his face flickered under the light, so there was an inexplicable...evil air in his handsomeness. But when she saw him, she was relieved, "Why are you behind me?" Jian Boyi was still roaring in the distance, and He Yuan frowned slightly, as if he didn't hear what she said. "I said, why are you behind me?!" Jian Yan was on her tiptoes and raised her voice. "Just went out for a while." He Yuan cooperated and leaned forward slightly. "What?!" Jian Yan lo

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 18

Chapter 18 After one o'clock, the members woke up one after another. At that time, Jian Yan was relying on her sharp tongue to convince He Yuan to let him play a few games with him. "Jian Yan?" Hang Wenjie yawned and walked over to turn on the computer, "Good morning." "...It's not morning anymore." Jian Boyi walked out of the room wearing big Hawaiian style pants, "Yanyan, who asked you to sit in my seat again." Jian Yan, without even looking back said, "Is your seat inlaid with gold?" "The throne of the king is not something that a villain like you can defile." Jian Boyi shouted. Jian Yan looked back at him, full of disgust, "Which country's people are so unlucky to have a king like you?" Jian Boyi snorted coldly and said "You know nothing" and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. The last ones to come downstairs were Lin Mao and Lao Yao. The two had probably had a big fight upstairs.

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 17

Chapter 17 At the end of the game, Jian Yan's team won steadily. When the enemy crystal exploded on the big screen and the audience cheered, it felt a bit dreamy for Jian Yan. A win? This is ...... a win? Their team defeated He Yuan’s team just like this? - After getting off the stage, in the rest area - At the front of the crowd, Song Nanzi was holding He Yuanjia's hand, her face was pouting and aggravated. I don't know what she cried to He Yuanjia about, but He Yuanjia looked a bit impatient. She was not interested in these two people, nor in the staff following behind them, but...she didn't expect He Yuan to be among this group of people. He was walking on the other side of He Yuanjia, his posture was upright, but the expression on his face was a little impatient. "Hey, Miss Jian." Just as Jian Yan was about to leave, He Yuanjia called out to her. Everyone followed He Yuanjia's gaze and looked at her. It was hard to leave now, so she had to smile and gr

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 16

Chapter 16 It was only now that Jian Yan realized that apart from her and Song Nanzi, there were two other male actors invited to the show, one was variety show rookie Zheng Yuanle, and the other was Wen Ye, an evergreen singer in the music industry. Although these two men have never collaborated together, they have heard of each other, and several of Wen Ye's songs are still on her playlist. This charity e-sports competition is a live broadcast on the Internet. It was originally a competition that only keen fans of e-sports would pay attention to. Now it has suddenly become popular because of the mysterious announcement of four celebrity artists. The organizer has long expected this situation, so in addition to sharing from e-sports enthusiasts themselves on Weibo, the staff also posted interesting clips from the live broadcast on Weibo for everyone to see. The competition on the field has been divided into groups, and the four amateurs work in pairs, Jian Yan with Wen Ye, Song Na

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 15

Chapter 15 After dinner, at Lin Mao's request, Jian Yan simply squatted by the coffee table and signed some photos he took out. "I want this one, this one too." "Can you sign one more sentence on this one...Ah, you are so kind, give my mother a hug!" "Little Yanyan, your handwriting is great!" "Wow, I'm so touched." "I...ahhh!" Lin Mao turned around in confusion, "Boss, why did you hit me!" He Yuan sat on the sofa, holding the remote control to select the program he wanted to watch. He said without looking back, "Be quiet, you're giving me a headache." Lin Mao frowned. "Ignore him." Jian Yan was still upset about his response at the dinner table. She said in a bad tone, "He doesn't understand art! Maomao, if there's more, give them to me." Lin Mao opened his mouth, obviously moved that his idol spoke for him. He shyly said, "No, these are the only ones." "Oh, it&

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 14

Chapter 14 The game is over and they won. Jian Yan raised her eyebrows at the man next to him, "How about it, do you want me to take you to play another round?" "You are so inflated, huh?" He Yuan frowned and said calmly, "Just a few more rounds and I won't let you know how to write MVP." "Hehe, no one can beat you for MVP in League of Legends, but that's not necessarily true for King of Glory!" "Then just wait and see." “Let's see, let's play again!” Jian Yan angrily planned to start another round, but at this moment, a phone call came in. "Who is this?" The most annoying thing is that someone calls when you are about to start playing a game. When Jian Yan answered the call, her tone is not friendly, "Hello?" "Jian Yan, where are you?!" He Yuan watched every move of the woman in front of him, and of course he also saw her change from a domineering look to a wilted ball. Heh, coward. As expe

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 13

Chapter 13 Boyfriend? Jian Yan almost choked on her own saliva. She raised her head and looked at He Yuan, "What..." "Yanyan, is what he said true?" Zou Chang looked at her with red eyes. Jian Yan blinked, looked at Zou Chang, and then at He Yuan, "What he said is..." "I asked you to come look for me, but you couldn't find me?" He Yuan pulled Jian Yan to his side unceremoniously and looked at her with lowered eyes, "Jian Yan, why are you so st*pid?" The man was very tall, and even though she was wearing high heels, she still had to look up at him.  Jian Yan  said "Ah" and then  muffled her voice ,  because she saw his eyes, lazy but with a rare gentleness. Her heart skipped a few beats, and after a quick flash, she glanced away. Jian Yan stared at the ground and cursed silently. The always venomous and cold-faced god showing this kind of expression? It's f*cking k*lling me! "Let's go." He Yuan reached out


Do you want to know something spooky? I think there are people out there who can read minds. Hear me out. The other day, I had to go grocery shopping. My niece was choosing what show to watch before I left the house when I noticed power puff girls. I can't help but reminisce. I used to be Buttercup, and my other sister was Bubbles, but for the life of me, I can't remember the third power puff girl's name. It drove me crazy. Being a cheap*ss, I'd never look it up on my phone when I could look it up on my free WiFi at home. So there I was, standing in line at the counter, hanging by a thread. Out of nowhere, a man's voice behind me said, "Blossom." I immediately turned around, but no one was directly behind me in the counter line. Though it could be anyone, there were a lot of people nearby. I just want to put this out there, in case I'm going insane. I want records of the signs of my slow descent to madness. (˵ ͠ಥ‿ ͠ಥ˵)

The Rabbit Wants to Eat the Grass Next Door - 12

Chapter 12 Attending the banquet was part of her job. That night, Fang Yang drove a car to pick her up and left school. Kaixi Group is a well-known business giant. It is involved in a wide range of industries. In recent years, it has planned  to take a piece of the action in the entertainment industry.  However, when the group only appeared in the economic news pages, it was Kaixi's young master who introduced Kaixi Group into the entertainment industry. Speaking of this young master, everyone knows about him. Last month he was photographed entering a hotel with a well-known actress, and next month he appeared in a famous designer bag store with a certain online celebrity... It could have been an ordinary affair for the second generation, but after all, the people he hooked up with were  head-and-face characters, so it's not surprising that this person is on the entertainment news. Jian Yan bumped into this young master as soon as she entered the banquet door. She had met this